Released 2024-07-09
0004209: [Bug] Non-conformal mesh with NCC coupling cannot be used as source of mapFields (will)
0004189: [Bug] The foamRun crashes with the fvModel verticalDamping (henry)
0004187: [Bug] mergeMesh deletes informations that are inside the cellZonesfiles (henry)
0004181: [Bug] Calculating Lagrangian using cpuLoad, reconstrut errors will occur if writeFormat uses ascii, but binary does not (will)
0004176: [Bug] reconstructPar crashes when NCC is done in parallel and fileHandler is collated (will)
0004171: [Bug] The mesh import with fluent3DMeshToFoam works differently under OpenFOAM 12 than under OpenFOAM 11 (henry)
0004167: [Bug] Lagrangian particle tracking crash with turbulent dispersion on (will)
0004165: [Bug] turbineSiting tutorial does not run properly (returns junk) (henry)
0004155: [Bug] NCC crashes with motionSolver rigidBodyMotion and sixDoFRigidBodyMotion (will)
0004152: [Patch] Fix for mapped patches in case of a single face in a parallel case (will)
0004130: [Bug] NCC crashes with CrankNicolson integration (will)
0001876: [Bug] Boundary field with jumpAMI not initialized properly (will)
0004111: [Bug] Typo in COxidationIntrinsicRate (will)
13 issues View Issues
Released 2023-07-11
0003869: [Bug] externalWallHeatFluxTemperature BC does not work anymore with compressibleInterFoam and compressibleMultiphaseInterFoam (will)
0004104: [Bug] setFields excludes the last boundary field in the boundary list (henry)
0004097: [Bug] atmBoundaryLayerInletVelocity boundary condition description (will)
0004061: [Bug] Error in implementation of Langmuir-Hinshelwood reaction rate derivative with respect to molar concentration (will)
0004058: [Bug] cylindricalFunctionObject rendering incorrect results (will)
0004055: [Bug] turbulenceFields function object does not access to fluidThermophysicalTransportModel (henry)
0004040: [Bug] createNonConformalCouples crash after SHM (will)
0004043: [Bug] wrong results for the solver module "solid" for nNonOrthogonalCorrectors > 0 due to not updating the temperature field (henry)
0004039: [Bug] Error running circuitBoardCooling case in tutorial folder in parallel (will)
0004034: [Bug] Bug for pimpleFoam, parallel, outerCorrectorResidualControl, when using moveMeshOuterCorrectors true (henry)
0004020: [Bug] shockFluid crashes with NCC (henry)
0004014: [Bug] volFieldValue min/max FO crashes with cellZone in parallel (henry)
0003999: [Bug] NCC raises fatal error when using in combination with PLIC (will)
0003995: [Bug] wmkdep calculates replacement position wrong (henry)
14 issues View Issues
Released 2016-03-11
0004221: [Bug] foamMonitor fails to live update residuals plot (will)
0004216: [Bug] Wrong edgeGrading when using BSpline (will)
0004224: [Bug] timeVaryingMappedFixedValue crashes when used with meshToMesh mapping (henry)
0004223: [Bug] timeVaryingMappedFixedValue patchField misses timeToUserTime call (henry)
0004222: [Bug] stochasticDispersionRAS (will)
0004220: [Bug] Wrong dimension of k in HerschelBulkley model (henry)
0004217: [Bug] Command "reconstructPar -newTimes -fileHandler collated" doesn't recontruct the first time result (henry)
0004212: [Bug] scaleFactor is not applied in surfaceFieldValue function objects even though it is read and printed in the log (henry)
0004178: [Bug] fvSolution/PIMPLE controls do nothing (henry)
0004205: [Bug] Inconsistent path with mergeMeshes when addRegions flag is used (henry)
0004204: [Bug] Load balancing crashes with timeVaryingMappedFixedValue BC (henry)
0004203: [Bug] NH3 liquid properties: Wrong surface tension function coefficients (henry)
0004202: [Bug] documentation of fanPressure BC (henry)
0004198: [Bug] fieldAverage function object periodic restart possibly inconsistent (will)
0004194: [Bug] Minor typo in recent commit 288c959570dc3aa2c5542f3d081f023fc281fa06 (henry)
0004193: [Patch] Herschel-Bulkley implementation does not allow initializing with 'k' or 'tau0' values larger than ~1 (henry)
0004192: [Patch] writeObjects header description does not list 'fields' nor 'field' as alternatives to 'objects' (henry)
0004190: [Patch] Fix for multiphase support of specieFlux (henry)
0004188: [Bug] reorderPatch reads and writes wrong mesh in case of -overwrite and -time N (henry)
0004185: [Bug] multiphaseEuler crashes with stationary phases (henry)
0004175: [Bug] wallHeatFlux-function object crashes when used on nonConformalMappedWall (will)
0004172: [Feature] Definition of mass flux in semiPermeableBaffleMassFractionFvPatchScalarField.C (will)
0004173: [Bug] processor 0-folders do not update with decomposePar -fields -copyZero contrary to print output (henry)
0004163: [Bug] createBafflesDict not working in parallel in tutorial TJunctionFan (will)
0004161: [Bug] scotch method results in inappropriate decomposition (henry)
0004157: [Contribution] functionObject startTime with adjustableRunTime causes deltaT=1e-16 for long-running simulations (henry)
0004156: [Bug] documentation in the totalPressureFvPatchScalarField header (henry)
0004154: [Feature] Issue with current definition of the Diffusion number (henry)
0004151: [Patch] Patch for Test-fvMeshTools (henry)
0004150: [Bug] documentation of reactionRates functionObjects (will)
0004145: [Bug] documentation of flowRateInletVelocity with meanVelocity option (henry)
0004144: [Bug] Documentation for several patch field types confuses scalar and vector (henry)
0004142: [Bug] MeshPhi does not work with meshToMesh (will)
0004134: [Bug] functionObject startTime or endTime cause crashes when writeControl is adjustableTimeStep and adjustTimeStep is True (henry)
0004135: [Patch] MarshakRadiationFixedTemperature has the wrong help description for T (will)
0004133: [Bug] Brownian force - Lagrangian (will)
0004131: [Patch] Patch for multiphaseEulerFoam interfaceTurbulenceDamping (henry)
0004128: [Bug] Zonal solid thermo, wrong properties at processor boundaries (henry)
0004124: [Bug] fvModels: coded source term cannot be added to an additional transport equation (henry)
0004122: [Patch] Various minor details that were missed
0004121: [Patch] Duplicate lines found in a few 'Make/options' (henry)
0003740: [Bug] Misleading pressure difference calculation in activePressureForceBaffleVelocityFvPatchVectorField.C (will)
0004106: [Bug] stopAtTimeStep does not convert input from userTime to real time (will)
0004067: [Bug] Cleaned PATH eats up valid paths (chris)
0004108: [Bug] turbulenceFields: Header documentation issues (henry)
0004103: [Bug] rpm tables get expanded to and written in real time, not user time (will)
0004101: [Patch] Mesh motion does not work together with NCC (will)
0004098: [Bug] OpenFOAM-dev compile error with WM_LABEL_SIZE=64 (will)
0004093: [Patch] verbose warning about template-id not allowed for ctor/dtor with gcc 14.1 (henry)
0004088: [Bug] wallHeatFlux -postprocessing function output header format is bad (henry)
0004086: [Bug] Read issue with polynomial Function1 and binary format (will)
0004078: [Contribution] mergeMeshes is missing "timeSelector::addOptions()" (henry)
0004084: [Bug] Scotch decomposition not being built if using system scotch (henry)
0004082: [Bug] Missing entry on fixedMean Documentation (henry)
0004035: [Bug] extrudeMesh uses defaultRegion mesh when using region option (henry)
0004071: [Bug] number of injected parcels is wrong in patchInjection (will)
0004073: [Bug] JohnsonJackson -boundary conditions not working in dev (henry)
0004066: [Bug] compressibleVoF freezes when using fvModel massSource in parallel (will)
0004064: [Bug] Module functions: typo in key "subSolver" leads to an endless loop (will)
0004063: [Bug] Sign error in Pilch-Erdman breakup model (will)
0004053: [Bug] kivaTEst would ignore setDeltaT function object (henry)
0004047: [Bug] MPPIC "moment" averaging method causes Goldschmidt to crash (will)
0004045: [Bug] Uninitialised finalIter_ in solutionControl.C (henry)
0004042: [Bug] topoSet + searchableSurfaceToFaceZone = crashes (henry)
0004041: [Feature] Histogram function object headers are duplicate names (will)
0004036: [Bug] kivaTest dynamicMeshDict wrong with most recent commit (henry)
0004000: [Bug] compressibleVoF: VoFTurbulenceDamping: Documentation of the usage is incorrect (henry)
0004001: [Feature] Optionally execute systemCall once for parallel runs (henry)
0004008: [Bug] incorrect and unused type in primitiveFaceZone.H (will)
0004006: [Bug] pureMixture + multicomponent no longer working in dev (will)
0003992: [Bug] time instead of userTime in Crank Nicholson Scheme (henry)
0003990: [Bug] Test-Function1: table integration wrong for outOfBounds repeat? (henry)
0003987: [Bug] Doxygen does not enter applications/modules (henry)
0003984: [Bug] tutorials/mesh/snappyHexMesh: symbolic links broken (henry)
0003982: [Bug] egrMixture does not correctly consider egr fraction for low fuel mass fractions (henry)
0003981: [Bug] Inconsistent NASA polynomial coefficients for air (will)
0003979: [Patch] fvCellSet::writeFileHeader() does not correctly write number of cells in case of parallel run (henry)
0003977: [Bug] volume fraction of dispersed phase in drag model Ergun (henry)
0003953: [Patch] Fixes for lagrangian parcel liquid models (will)
0003952: [Patch] Fixes for typos and formatting (henry)
0003942: [Bug] Typo in engineCompRatio.C (henry)
0003938: [Bug] timeActivatedFileUpdate: missing timeToUserTime conversion (henry)
0003935: [Bug] Discrepancy on the implementation of the IATE Turbulent Breakup source, Rti (henry)
0003936: [Bug] The implemented Weber Number (We) in the IATE model should be a function of Turbulent Fluctuation Velocity, Ut (henry)
0003934: [Bug] ChemistryModel compilation issue (henry)
0003933: [Bug] DebugVar("**********"); in interfaceSaturationTemperatureModelNew.C (will)
0003929: [Bug] interFoam freezes with empty processors (henry)
0003923: [Bug] Filter tutorial not working as expected (will)
0003919: [Bug] RE: 0003894: Mesh refiner cannot access rho_U field from objectRegistry (henry)
0003926: [Bug] Module multiphaseEuler: double entry in functionObjects/Make/options for lmultiphaseMomentumTransportModels (henry)
0003922: [Bug] Bug with fieldAverage together with foamPostProcess (henry)
0003894: [Bug] Mesh refiner cannot access rho_U field from objectRegistry (henry)
0003912: [Patch] Patch to prevent crash when using films with surfaceFilmModel none in cloudProperties (will)
0003913: [Patch] fix header typo in solidificationMeltingSource.H: "[thermo|lookup]" --> "[thermo\|lookup]" (henry)
0003914: [Patch] Corrections for a couple of typos (will)
0003904: [Bug] setWriteInterval and setTimeStep functionObjects do not convert user time to real time (henry)
0003907: [Bug] functions for runtime visualization give output in wrong postProcessing directory for multi-region cases (will)
0003903: [Bug] Unnecessary print in interpolatingSolidBodyMotionSolver.C (henry)
0003901: [Feature] Clean compressed cellToRegion files with cleanCase (henry)
0003897: [Patch] tutorials/multiphase/multiphaseEulerFoam/laminar/damBreak4phase/constant/momentumTransport might be superfluous (henry)
0003891: [Patch] Patch: better error messages for actuationDiskSource (henry)
0003890: [Bug] Unable to lookup parcelClouds (will)
0003888: [Bug] compressible::alphatJayatillekeWallFunction sigFpe issue (will)
0003884: [Patch] Problem Using LoadBalancer with cyclic BC --> 0003879 (will)
0003879: [Bug] Problem using LoadBalancer with cyclic BC (will)
0003878: [Bug] Usage documentation in header of mixedFvPatchField.H wrong (refGradient instead of refGrad) (henry)
0003875: [Bug] Possible bug in some of the individual fvModel source functions? (henry)
0003874: [Bug] Typo in the description in the new Function1s::omega class (henry)
0003873: [Bug] test/fvMeshTools/cavity fails in dev when reconstructing time step 0.01 (will)
0003870: [Bug] "could not open file meshToMesh.H for source file" warning during compilation (henry)
0003868: [Patch] in tutorials/multiphase/compressibleInterFoam/RAS/damBreak/Allclean cleanCase could be replaced with cleanVoFCase (henry)
0003854: [Bug] moveMesh does not work with new dynamicMeshDict structure (henry)
0003853: [Patch] small error in error message in decomposePar (henry)
0003852: [Bug] decomposePar -ifRequired does not work (henry)
0003851: [Bug] Implementation of operator=(diagTensor) missing in Tensor class? (henry)
0003850: [Bug] Lagrangian injection uses realtime, but TimeFunction1 integral expects userTimes and can't follow flowRate as written (henry)
0003847: [Bug] Crash in running counterFlowFlame2D_GRI tutorial in parallel (henry)
0003817: [Bug] 3D parallel simulation using cyclicAMI, decomposed using scotch; randomly runs or gives fatal error (will)
0001422: [Bug] neighbour face search in cyclicAMI (will)
0002274: [Bug] ACMI Boundary does not let particle go through (act like a wall) (will)
0002561: [Bug] cyclicACMI makes rhoCentral(DyM)Foam crash due to surface interpolation issue (will)
0001841: [Bug] Abnormal Courant number and abnormal phase fractions in /multiphase/multiphaseInterDyMFoam/laminar/mixerVesselAMI2D (will)
0001829: [Bug] pressure jumps occur, when restarting rotating mesh simulation with interPhaseChangeDyMFoam (will)
0001388: [Bug] mass flow of AMI1 and AMI2 do not match in pimpleDyMFoam/propeller tutorial (will)
0001337: [Bug] interDyMFoam performance of parallel solving depends on position of pressure reference point in enclosed space (will)
0000883: [Bug] Loosing mass when using cyclicAMI together with interDyMFoam (will)
0000663: [Bug] AMI corrupts passive scalar (will)
0003838: [Bug] kivaTest tutorial fails due to missing V0 (henry)
0003833: [Bug] decomposition of fields very slow (will)
0003831: [Patch] fix header typos (henry)
0003830: [Bug] Inconsistent default constant in kEpsilon model (henry)
0003825: [Bug] In cavitatingFoam correction of Uf is done with relative phi instead of absolute phi (henry)
0003666: [Patch] Some small fixies for coolingSphere turorial (henry)
0003821: [Bug] Compilation error with polyTopoChange/polyTopoChange/polyTopoChange.C (henry)
0003814: [Feature] Zoltan configuration inconsistency (henry)
0003815: [Feature] fluent3DMeshToFoam not able to read mesh from R2021 (henry)
0003812: [Bug] Refinement history lost after redistribution preventing unrefining. (henry)
0003807: [Bug] userTime conversion and cut-plane sampling issue (henry)
0003799: [Bug] chtMultiRegionFoam crashes with nEcorr > 1 and multiple fluid regions (henry)
0003794: [Contribution] Corrected "Shells -> Feature edges" in snappyHexMesh lib + a few additional options to annotated snappyHexMeshDict (henry)
0003787: [Bug] 'lnInclude' for 'solidSpecie' is not updated automatically (henry)
0003786: [Bug] mapFields does not handle userTime correctly (henry)
0003772: [Bug] Foam::cp() (POSIX) always returns false for file copy (henry)
0003769: [Bug] CellCuts constructor with List<plane> cannot be used (henry)
0003768: [Bug] surfaceSphericalTensorFields are not mapped (henry)
0003763: [Feature] Enable binary support for VTK set writer (will)
0003760: [Bug] valveBank.h does not compile due to a syntax error (henry)
0003755: [Bug] MaxwellStefanFourier, crash if calling j() or divj() for default specie (henry)
0003746: [Bug] keyword coordinateSystem is undefined in dictionary (henry)
0003744: [Bug] Unable to use codedFunction2 for the binary diffusion terms in the thermophysical transport models (henry)
0003737: [Bug] compressibleInterFoam reads fvConstraints for limitTemperature but is not applied (henry)
0003716: [Bug] Segmentation fault instead of proper IO ERROR (will)
0003712: [Bug] Infinite loop in lagrangian move function due to stuck parcels (will)
0003693: [Bug] uniformFixedValue with vector fails after restart (henry)
0003692: [Bug] options "-dict" and "-case" do not work when used together in decomposePar (will)
0003690: [Bug] engineTime-based solvers cannot run with the option -case (henry)
0003689: [Bug] postProcessing with surfaceFieldValue function (henry)
0003688: [Bug] Is Foam::multiphaseMixture::surfaceTensionForce() depends on phase order in transportProperties? (henry)
0003684: [Bug] Incorrect coefficients of polynomial in limiter (henry)
0003682: [Contribution] Patch to fieldAverage: Add support for averaging internal fields (henry)
0003680: [Bug] variableTimeStep_ leftover in TDAC (henry)
0003669: [Bug] Regression in Time.C, first write time is wrong if not starting from 0 and not a restart (henry)
0003664: [Bug] Two issues with multiphaseEulerFoam solver (will)
0003661: [Contribution] Slow file copy routine (henry)
0003662: [Bug] typo in the mixture source file in compressibleInterFoam (henry)
0003657: [Bug] Typo in pitzDaily tutorial (henry)
0003647: [Patch] multiphaseEulerFoam: linearTsub diameterModel does not find the saturationModels (will)
0003638: [Bug] snappyHexMesh fails to compile (henry)
0003636: [Bug] Use of mesh.dynamic() may return false even if mesh.moving() returns true (henry)
0003631: [Bug] Damping fvOptions, selectionMode not working? (henry)
0003627: [Bug] Default value of C1 in Prince & Blanch model is wrong (will)
0003625: [Bug] foamSearch, help-text uses dot syntax instead of slash (henry)
0003613: [Bug] setFields breaks some time-varying boundary conditions, i.e. falsely replacing dictionary keyword (henry)
0003610: [Bug] foamMonitor small spelling mistake (henry)
0003607: [Bug] foamDictionary entry0 querying (henry)
0003605: [Bug] Solver compressibleInterFoam does not work with "prgh.*Pressure" BCs (henry)
0003602: [Bug] Potential degradation/issue/bug in snappyHexMesh when using cyclic patches (will)
0003598: [Feature] distanceSurface -based sampling not implementing zones (henry)
0003594: [Patch] alphaEqh wrong order (henry)
0002456: [Bug] curvatureSeparation in 'Hot Boxes'-tutorial doesn't work (henry)
0001103: [Bug] Issue using fvOptions with moving mesh (henry)
0001991: [Bug] Problems with turbulentTemperatureCoupledBaffleMixed boundary condition (henry)
0003591: [Bug] Recent updates associated Function2 seems to have broken fluidReactionThermo (henry)
0003584: [Bug] Setting "system/controlDict" to use USCS unit system fails for perfect gas compressible flow (henry)
0003583: [Bug] magSqr functionObject produces unnecessary warnings (henry)
0003582: [Bug] Deprecated importantSpecies subDict in chemistryProperties (henry)
0003558: [Bug] cacheTemporaryObjects with complex name (henry)
0003555: [Bug] codedFvPatchFields: codeOptions missing in codeKeys_ (henry)
0003556: [Bug] Unused Make-folder, interfaceCompression (henry)
0003552: [Bug] Sampling using 'volFieldValue' doesn't work correctly in parallel (henry)
0003553: [Patch] Two 'options' files found to need a bit of fixing in multiphaseSystems and solidDisplacementThermo (henry)
0003550: [Patch] 'malloc' in 'wmkdep.l' assumes memory preset to zero, only one situation where it can cause issues (henry)
0003549: [Patch] 'uint' used in TimeIO.C instead of 'unsigned int' (henry)
0003541: [Bug] foamListTimes not working for collated decomposition (will)
0003534: [Bug] The UList::reverse_iterator does not behave like a reverse iterator (henry)
0003527: [Patch] incorrect gnuplot option specified in gnuplotGraph::write (henry)
0003528: [Bug] Postprocessing tool "particleTracks" does not work (will)
0003385: [Bug] DPMFoam - "SemiImplicit" scheme for the source term gives unphysical fluid velocity distribution around the parcel (henry)
0003519: [Feature] Changes to Intel MPI directory structure (henry)
0003516: [Bug] rhoReactingBuoyantFoam fails to build (henry)
0003336: [Feature] Purpose of residualControl in the pimple loop (will)
0003502: [Bug] Change moving mesh behaviour between dev-20200508 and dev-20200531 release (henry)
0003463: [Bug] Incorrect template for PrimitivePatch in patchToPatchInterpolation.H (henry)
0003498: [Bug] solidDisplacementFoam crashes when Re-reading system/fvSolution (henry)
0003495: [Bug] Divide-by-zero in SHF particle break-up model (will)
0003492: [Bug] The formula in the OF is inconsistent with the Rosin-Rammler distribution theory formula (will)
0003497: [Bug] blockMeshDict missing in pitzDaily tutorial (henry)
0003486: [Bug] ExtrueMesh fails in parallel with wedge extrusion (henry)
0003487: [Bug] Wrong comments for functionObject::end() (henry)
0003485: [Bug] Error in the description of the blended scheme for the omega wall function (henry)
0003481: [Bug] Bug in wallHeatFlux field calculation for patches (will)
0003479: [Bug] wordAndDictionary, compilation error with gcc older than v 7 (henry)
0003478: [Patch] copiedFixedValue, fixedMultiPhaseHeatFlux: added missing clone and mapping functions (henry)
0003473: [Bug] wallHeatFlux and P1 radiation (henry)
0003466: [Bug] Error using rhoCentralFoam's BC maxwellSlipU parallel (henry)
0003457: [Bug] Error in boundary condition prghTotalPressure (henry)
0003459: [Patch] Patch for adding phase support for moleFractions function object (henry)
0003445: [Bug] CyclicAMI not working with small prism cells to reproduce boundary layer on the patch (will)
0001993: [Bug] Face centres (and by extension, cell centres) are calculated incorrectly when the initial guess is outside the face (will)
0003442: [Bug] Unexpected drop at inlet temperatures noticed in reactingTwoPhaseEulerFoam (henry)
0003455: [Patch] incorrect description in forces.H (henry)
0003451: [Bug] chtMultiRegionFoam: postProcess functions use global caseDicts function files instead case specific files in local ./system/ (henry)
0003447: [Bug] Cyclic patches generation malfunctions in certain situations (will)
0003448: [Bug] It is not possible to create a List from a SLList (henry)
0003418: [Feature] codedFunction1 implementation (henry)
0003357: [Bug] transformPoint for ACMI not done for TRANSLATIONAL transform (will)
0003437: [Patch] Patch to couple of small typos (henry)
0003435: [Bug] refineWallLayer: Option "-useSet" works not correctly (henry)
0003430: [Bug] snappyHexMesh doesn't work in parallel (henry)
0003426: [Bug] no triangulated vtk files with cuttingPlane post processing (henry)
0003431: [Bug] gmshToFoam crashes due to parsing of variable identifier $ (henry)
0003428: [Bug] missing orderType definition in constructor - coupledPolyPatch.C (henry)
0003422: [Bug] foamJob not reading macro for numberOfSubdomains in decomposePar (henry)
0003419: [Bug] compilation warning (henry)
0003413: [Bug] foamSetupCHT creates wrong regionProperties if no fluid included (henry)
0003409: [Bug] Regression bug in Ensight part (henry)
0003390: [Bug] Wrong liquid properties coefficients of ethanol (Cp, h) (will)
0003407: [Bug] Minor typos in surfaceInterpolate function object (henry)
0003397: [Bug] Airy wave makes an error when wave length is less than 2 (will)
0003393: [Feature] ISAT statistics (henry)
0003392: [Feature] ISAT statistics are misleading (henry)
0003384: [Bug] surfaceFieldValue causes error at inlet patches (henry)
0003378: [Bug] foamMonitor: Error message at live monitoring of probes (henry)
0003372: [Patch] Some additional corrections to typos (henry)
0003370: [Patch] fieldValues: guard against division by zero (will)
0003369: [Patch] Corrections to misc. typos (will)
0003367: [Bug] mhdFoam: Typo in description (henry)
0003358: [Contribution] external force restraint class (henry)
0003345: [Bug] suggestion of including time information in restraint class in sixDoFRigidBodyMotion and rigidBodyDynamics (henry)
0003356: [Bug] not available (henry)
0003342: [Contribution] A moderately annotated mirrorMeshDict for $FOAM_ETC/caseDicts/annotated (henry)
0003349: [Bug] block face orientation checks don't consider the curved edges (henry)
0003350: [Bug] Typo in src/lagrangian/solidParticle/solidParticle.C (henry)
0003339: [Patch] Bug in Ergun drag model - Multiphase (henry)
0003333: [Bug] Output of particleTracks in parallel and collated is not correct (henry)
0003332: [Bug] tutorials/multiphase/reactingTwoPhaseEulerFoam/RAS/bubbleColumnEvaporatingReacting contains uncessary files (will)
0003330: [Bug] fluent3DMeshToFoam -> Do not understand characters: ; (henry)
0003329: [Bug] The option minIter does not work with the linear solver PBiCGStab (henry)
0003328: [Patch] Patch: improvements to general distributionModel in the lagrangian library (will)
0003327: [Bug] Unnecessary thermo-file (henry)
0003325: [Patch] Patch for some misc. typos and inconsistencies (henry)
0003314: [Feature] CavitatingFoam solver: barotropicCompressibilityModel (henry)
0003303: [Bug] Compilation of (Intel) MPI fails (henry)
0003308: [Patch] generalize sixDoFRigidBodyState functionObject (henry)
0003311: [Bug] h field BC crashes reconstructPar and ParaView (henry)
0003309: [Bug] Lagrangian fields cloud scattering coefficient is always zero (will)
0002490: [Patch] make etc/bashrc zsh friendly (henry)
0003232: [Feature] change blockMesh arc specification (will)
0003302: [Bug] verticalDamping crashes since introduction of isotropicDamping (henry)
0003298: [Patch] typo in the SingleFluidCHT template: typical Prandtl number for water is 7 (henry)
0003296: [Patch] tutorials/multiphase/compressibleInterFoam/RAS/sloshingTank2D has no turbulence properties defined (henry)
0003290: [Patch] tow typos in the SingleFluidCHT template README (henry)
0003288: [Bug] restart with rigidBodyMotion crashes (henry)
0003285: [Contribution] Enable opposite spin in rotorDisk, for fixed thrust direction (henry)
0003262: [Contribution] Add power calculation to rotorDisk (henry)
0003283: [Bug] calcCutCells on cellZones in parallel (henry)
0003218: [Feature] Use C++11 move semantics for containers (henry)
0003239: [Feature] CleanFunctions do not include removal of the graph directory (will)
0003231: [Bug] DTCHullMoving tutorial produces strange results (henry)
0003229: [Bug] memory consumption increases during runtime when using waves library (will)
0002832: [Bug] interFoam: unstable when restarting a reconstructed case (henry)
0003212: [Bug] Lagrangian particles encountering a rotational cyclicAMI patch are wrongly flagged for removal (will)
0003224: [Bug] foamGet throws postChannelDict into system directory, postChannel.C expects it in constant directory (henry)
0003223: [Bug] Function1, CSV.C missing "componentColumns" (henry)
0003217: [Bug] duplicate statements in exchange.C (henry)
0002516: [Bug] The more outer loops, the slower the outer loop calculation gets (henry)
0003208: [Bug] FPE in dynamicKEqn model on restart (henry)
0003205: [Bug] prghPressure BC uses hardcoded "rho" that fails with buoyantBoussinesqPimpleFoam (henry)
0003198: [Bug] Restart for dynamic mesh cases crashes (will)
0003191: [Bug] Missing drag models in makeThermoParcelForces (will)
0003180: [Contribution] functionObject for rigidBodyMeshMotion (henry)
0003171: [Bug] blockmesh reports wrong cell sizes (henry)
0003175: [Bug] externalWallHeatFluxTemperature (mode: coefficient) causes wrong results if relaxation != 1 (henry)
0003167: [Bug] foamDictionary does not work with binary files (henry)
0003170: [Bug] Unphysical pressure field (decoupling) with fine grid and high momentum spray (henry)
0003161: [Bug] Application of singleGraph post processing produces *.xy file with duplicate entries (will)
0003158: [Bug] codeOptions entry no longer supported by #codeStream (will)
0003153: [Patch] Request to rename MVAPICH2 (henry)
0003151: [Patch] foamCloneCase exit with code 1 without any error showing (henry)
0003149: [Patch] Add support for VTK-files with METADATA (henry)
0003146: [Feature] Mass source term in chtMultiRegionFoam (henry)
0003144: [Bug] ACMI with linear mesh motion and deforming mesh not working properly with velocityComponentLaplacian motion solver (will)
0002057: [Bug] ACMI incompatible with velocityComponentLaplacian (henry)
0003135: [Bug] Wall boundary condition not respected (will)
0003127: [Bug] tutorial multiphase/compressibleInterFoam/laminar/depthCharge3D crash about at 0.018s due to negative initial temperature (henry)
0003102: [Bug] Inconsistent behavior of fanFvPatchField (henry)
0003100: [Bug] Calculation of r in NVDTVD.H (henry)
0003075: [Feature] totalFlowRateAdvectiveDiffusive requires LES turbulence model (henry)
0003101: [Patch] externalWallHeatFluxTemperature: Possibilty of a FPE (henry)
0003085: [Bug] Enthalpy coefficient a_ wrong for C3H6O.C (henry)
0002864: [Feature] Request for change in direction convension in dynamicAlphaContactAngle BC (henry)
0002826: [Bug] Errorneous behaviour of velocity interpolation scheme cellPointWallModified in Lagrangian Particle Tracking (henry)
0003090: [Bug] Unused source file of OpenFOAM should be deleted (henry)
0001147: [Bug] Sample utility: line passing through internal cyclic boundary using midPoint set sampling definition isn't possible (will)
0003080: [Feature] foamMonitor to plot in terminal window, e.g. for execution on server (will)
0003078: [Bug] Bug in Time class (henry)
0003076: [Bug] is nut wall function in SRFSimpleFoam mixer tutorial actually using Urel? (henry)
0003056: [Bug] Found an "Achilles heel" in the Barycentric implementation (will)
0003066: [Bug] LES Prandtl delta documentation example incorrect (henry)
0003053: [Patch] Function1: CSV reader enhancements (henry)
0003054: [Feature] Density not saved by reactingFoam (henry)
0003020: [Bug] Question regarding fvcDdtPhiCoeff and LTS (henry)
0003024: [Patch] GeometricField construct from dictionary reads old-time field (henry)
0003017: [Patch] Misc. typo fixes pt5 (henry)
0003010: [Patch] small corrections to text formatting of solidificacationMeltingSource documentation (henry)
0003006: [Patch] Tweak wmake rules to avoid linker issues (henry)
0002999: [Bug] Wrong datatype for counting parcels in ThermoCloudI.H (will)
0002058: [Patch] [kineticTheory] Frictional stress at walls (henry)
0002507: [Patch] corrected a description for setTimeStep function object (henry)
0002529: [Bug] triSurfaceMesh in blockMesh (henry)
0002629: [Bug] thin-film boundary condition accuracy (henry)
0002323: [Bug] thermalBaffel1D (henry)
0002380: [Bug] MRF solver for omega=0 does not reproduce simpleFoam solver results (henry)
0002239: [Bug] decomposePar -fields duplicates particle positions (henry)
0002524: [Contribution] CHT Solver patched for using residual control (henry)
0002585: [Bug] U Residuals in chtMultiRegionSimpleFoam (henry)
0002962: [Bug] Refresh button in Paraview (using paraFoam) does not work (will)
0002997: [Bug] Sampling pressure with rhoPimpleFoam -postProcess fails (henry)
0002984: [Bug] Opening parenthesis in the wrong place in a dictionary file can lead to an infinite loop (henry)
0000347: [Bug] Cannot stitch more than two regions to join using stitchMesh (henry)
0002983: [Patch] Patching a couple of bugs introduced with shellcheck in commit 0cca22576295 (henry)
0002980: [Bug] Possible bug in src/finiteVolume/cfdTools/general/include/gh.H (will)
0002966: [Bug] Reacting parcels, using "none" as devolatilization model prevents surface reactions (will)
0002978: [Feature] Description of multiphaseEulerFoam confusing (henry)
0002976: [Bug] Allrun-parallel script in hotBoxes tutorial misses one line (henry)
0002974: [Bug] foamDictionary ignore -case switch (henry)
0002950: [Bug] Strange issue triggered when reading an ascii label list, while the file is in binary mode (henry)
0002965: [Contribution] suggestion for code improvement for bugfix 2956 (will)
0002956: [Bug] multiprocessor disc ConeNozzleInjection (will)
0002958: [Bug] compressibleInterFoam does not calculate heat exchange (henry)
0002960: [Bug] cellSets in blockMesh (henry)
0002953: [Bug] externalWallHeatFluxTemperature causes wrong results if emissivity is not zero (henry)
0002955: [Bug] Mesh - boundary - duplicated entries with keyword inGroups (henry)
0002938: [Bug] layerParameters.C: Number of iterations insufficient (henry)
0002930: [Patch] heightAboveWave always initialized with 'false' in copy constructor (will)
0002940: [Bug] PIMPLE does not iterate, if in timestep before number of necessary iterations is equal to nOuterCorrectors (will)
0002939: [Bug] Using multiInteraction type patchInteractionModel (will)
0002934: [Bug] cellZone specified twice in fvOptions of angledDuctExplicitFixedCoeff tutorial (henry)
0002933: [Bug] getApplication error when #calc invoked in functions sub-dict of system/controlDict (henry)
0002932: [Contribution] better description of max eutectic melt fraction alpha1e (henry)
0002931: [Patch] max eutectic melt fraction is a real number such that 0<=alpha1e<1 (henry)
0002927: [Patch] "fvOption.C" listed under 'SourceFiles' in file "fixedTemperatureConstraint.H", instead of "fixedTemperatureConstraint.C" (henry)
0002925: [Bug] Make/options cannot include '-IlnInclude' (henry)
0002919: [Patch] 'energyJumpFvPatchScalarField.H' includes 'Function1.H', even though it doesn't need it (henry)
0002920: [Patch] Update for the 'Class' entries in the folder "src/regionModels/surfaceFilmModels/submodels", which are incomplete at the moment (henry)
0002692: [Contribution] Scripting for avoiding mismatches between header files and their macro bounds (henry)
0002917: [Bug] wmakeLnUnclude unable to find some folders (henry)
0002907: [Contribution] a proposal of fvOptions solidificationMeltingSource for not isotherm phase change (henry)
0002913: [Bug] new convergence control classes causes mpi block in some PIMPLE-based solvers (will)
0002881: [Bug] wideBandAbsorptionEmission coefficient bug and inconsistency with (henry)
0002904: [Bug] Rare bug: purgeWrite + SIMPLE.residualControl + stopping criteria also reached at writeTime ==> last time step is deleted (will)
0002909: [Bug] Typo forceCoeffs description table (henry)
0002396: [Bug] dictionary scoped look up too forgiving? (henry)
0002886: [Bug] bug in compressibleInterDyMFoam after removing ddtCorr from MRF (henry)
0002901: [Feature] streamLine function object fails in compiling (henry)
0002882: [Patch] Radiative energy source terms broken for fvDOM radiation model with wideBandAbsorptionEmission (henry)
0002891: [Patch] Misc. typo fixes pt4 (left overs) (henry)
0002889: [Bug] #calc converts all variables to float (henry)
0002887: [Patch] Misc. typo fixes pt3 (henry)
0002884: [Bug] foamJob not adapted to new naming of processor-directories (collated) (henry)
0002880: [Patch] forces function object issue (henry)
0002871: [Feature] Follow up to 0002688: Barycentric Tracking Makes DSMC Simulations Significantly Slower (will)
0002874: [Bug] Wrong initialization order in PengRobinsonGas ctor (inline) (henry)
0002873: [Patch] Compile error in sweptFaceAreaWeightAMI.C with intel compiler (will)
0002870: [Patch] MVAPICH2 support (henry)
0002869: [Patch] CGAL_DEPRECATED_MSG error while CGAL compile with intel compiler (henry)
0002845: [Patch] Misc. typo fixes pt2 (henry)
0002863: [Bug] OpenFOAM-5.x/Allwmake fails in the begining (henry)
0002844: [Patch] Misc. typo fixes (henry)
0002835: [Bug] decomposePar -force fails to remove time folders in processor* dirs (henry)
0002837: [Bug] Lagrangian Particles - Incorrect amount of mass still being injected if parcelsPerSecond 'too large' (will)
0002820: [Bug] Tricky bug in »adjustableRunTime« while using functionObjects (will)
0002829: [Patch] directFieldMapper has wrong named constructor (henry)
0002824: [Bug] violation of mass conservation in compressibleInterDyMFoam (henry)
0002827: [Patch] Fix possibility of exiting OpenFOAM with any integer error code. (henry)
0002815: [Feature] Splitting MPI_COMM_WORLD to allow multiple programs run simultaneously (henry)
0002819: [Contribution] foamMonitor to show a custom title in gnuPlot graph (henry)
0002807: [Feature] sample with region name does not work (henry)
0002804: [Bug] chtMultiRegionSimpleFoam probes multiple output (will)
0002801: [Bug] interfaceHeight output format (will)
0002794: [Feature] vandriest delta description (henry)
0002787: [Feature] CombustionModel fails when compiling (will)
0002782: [Bug] foamCloneCase does not work properly when using collated fileHandler (henry)
0001692: [Bug] blockMesh cannot create rotational cyclic patches (henry)
0002776: [Bug] 'wallHeatFlux' function object does not work in parallel due to issue with "coupledFvPatchField::snGrad" (henry)
0002771: [Patch] wordRe.H enum compOption wrong comment (henry)
0002666: [Patch] Alternative way to calculate momentum transfer from lagrangian parcels (will)
0002744: [Bug] Cannot reconstruct a decomposed collated case (henry)
0002757: [Bug] hotBoxes tutorial in OpenFOAM-dev (henry)
0002758: [Bug] Why did you include the same file (autoPtr.H) twice in "solidThermo.H"? (henry)
0002735: [Bug] update error (henry)
0002753: [Patch] TDAC, support for multiphase use (henry)
0002713: [Patch] Harmonic surface interpolation scheme predict the boundary face values wrong (henry)
0002749: [Bug] iterator operator (henry)
0002525: [Feature] [Feature request] Time derivative as postProcess function (henry)
0002733: [Bug] When running simpleFoam -postProcess porosity forces are not taken into account (henry)
0002724: [Feature] Added residual control output for log files (henry)
0002726: [Bug] foamDictionary: problem with #include-statement in a subdict with disableFunctionEntries (henry)
0002727: [Bug] mergeMeshes fails when master mesh has zero patches (henry)
0002725: [Patch] Remove unnecessary interpolation in wallHeatFlux (henry)
0002719: [Patch] Doxygen-Warning for Tenneti dragModel (will)
0002711: [Bug] BlockMesh not able to produce an indenpendent tangential resolution for two connected prism blocks (henry)
0002716: [Bug] Tiny error in PCG.C (henry)
0002591: [Bug] Error in YiEqn for multiphase flows (will)
0002707: [Bug] Compiling problems after 85fbc13 (sixDoFRigidBodyState) (henry)
0002470: [Bug] MULES prevents settling in lower cells. (henry)
0002685: [Patch] createPatch will always dump 'cyclic' matches to '.obj' files (henry)
0002572: [Patch] Add multiphase support to limitTemperature fvOption (henry)
0002621: [Bug] refineMesh crashes when run in parallel (henry)
0002642: [Bug] extend OpenFOAM compilation compatibility on Linux platforms: readline needs -lncurses if ncurses is installed (henry)
0002635: [Bug] No tags for v4.1 or v5.0 in Git repo (henry)
0002632: [Patch] foamJob is not working correctly when collated file handler is set (henry)
0002620: [Bug] pyrolysis model yields inconsistent info for serial vs. parallel runs (henry)
0002615: [Bug] foamSequenceVTKFiles does not enumerate chronologically (henry)
0002617: [Contribution] BuoyantPimpleFoam crashes when no pressure is fixed (henry)
0002610: [Bug] decomposePar -case fails to find decomposeParDict (henry)
0002614: [Feature] triSurface location specification using 'file' does not work in parallel (henry)
0002613: [Contribution] swirlFlowRateInletVelocity does not give expected result for axi-symmetric case (henry)
0002569: [Patch] changeDictionary utility does not run for all the time range selected (henry)
0002595: [Bug] ParticleCollector sampling error (will)
0002573: [Contribution] More general Function1 based model to replace "polynomial" saturationModel in reactingEulerFoam (henry)
0002583: [Bug] Compressibility (variable density) for pureIsothermalPhaseModel in reactingEulerFoam (henry)
0002559: [Bug] -dev version fails compiling (henry)
0002548: [Contribution] Added residual control for steady-state cht solver (henry)
0002557: [Bug] Automatically collect and run unit tests (henry)
0002554: [Bug] Example of codedFunctionObject specification leads to IO error (henry)
0002545: [Bug] fvOption radiation.H, wrong description (henry)
0002540: [Bug] pre-commit hook failure for UPstream.C (henry)
0002521: [Patch] Wall boiling model refinements (henry)
0002523: [Patch] steamInjection tutorial (henry)
0002513: [Bug] Update necessary in chemistrySolver's EulerImplicit.C ? (henry)
0002478: [Bug] wrong limits in ThermoSurfaceFilm (henry)
0002512: [Bug] Mistake in Fourier Courant Number (henry)
0002458: [Bug] localInteraction is applied to processor patches when using regex (will)
0002472: [Bug] Set-up of an pure dispersed flow simulation in reactingMultiphaseEulerFoam only with a dragModel is not possible (will)
0002492: [Bug] laplacianFoam doesn't link to (henry)
0002487: [Bug] Error with sixDoFRigidBodyDisplacementPointPatchVectorField in parallel (henry)
0002085: [Bug] metisDecomp compile error (henry)
0002454: [Bug] Example dictionary for fieldCoordinateSystemTransform functionObject does not work (henry)
0002477: [Patch] Multiphase heat flux partitioning: Error on Lavieville correlation (henry)
0002475: [Bug] extraneous argument to xargs in Allrun (henry)
0002453: [Bug] Solver postProcess with scalarTransport seems not very useful (henry)
0002452: [Contribution] Weighted sum option for surfaceFieldValue and volFieldValue (henry)
0002446: [Patch] Wall boiling & IATE: FPE in restart (henry)
0002443: [Patch] ThermalPhaseChangePhaseSystem: Improved robustness (henry)
0002424: [Patch] Proposition for a clearer message when OpenFOAM environment is not loaded in the shell (henry)
0002442: [Bug] Lagrangian particles outside mesh prevent restart (henry)
0002438: [Bug] files does not pass pre-commit hook (henry)
0002427: [Bug] Description in the header file $FOAM_SRC/fvOptions/sources/general/codedSource/codedSource.H is incorrect. (henry)
0002431: [Patch] 'Cmu_' variable not used in realizableKE (henry)
0002425: [Patch] A few more typos of 'existance' (henry)
0002238: [Patch] STYLE: use of bounding box in fluentMeshToFoam is odd/misleading (henry)
0002411: [Patch] Updated scripts 'createGraphs' and 'patchifyObstacles', for clearer messages by the main 'tutorials/Allrun' script (henry)
0002398: [Bug] foamList does not exit cleanly (henry)
0002383: [Patch] GAMG solver does not run with processorAgglomerator (henry)
0002382: [Patch] compressible/rhoSimpleFoam/squareBend does not run with settings (henry)
0002374: [Bug] reactingEulerFoam: rDeltaTf not found if localEuler is not used (henry)
0002373: [Bug] waveTransmissiveFvPatchField.H documentation is ambiguous (henry)
0002330: [Patch] Be more gentle to system-wide installed Scotch and METIS (henry)
0002366: [Feature] Add the option -dict to setFields (henry)
0002358: [Bug] foamDictionary always regards '.' as separator. (henry)
0002364: [Feature] Update source code description in src/finiteVolume/finiteVolume/snGradSchemes/ (henry)
0002356: [Patch] A couple of outdated member type comments were found: realizableKE and incompressibleTwoPhaseMixture (henry)
0002354: [Bug] zoneCombustion (henry)
0002324: [Bug] writeDictionary + timeActivatedFileUpdate (henry)
0002352: [Bug] Misleading warning from postProcess (henry)
0002111: [Bug] DPMFoam hangs in parallel when using patchFlowRateInjection model. (henry)
0002339: [Bug] Not all foamCalc functionality is available from postProcess (henry)
0002286: [Bug] PatchInjectionBase: inaccurate initialization of tetFaceI and tetPtI (henry)
0002333: [Bug] Bad Option -t with zsh (henry)
0002332: [Contribution] new viscosity model (henry)
0002325: [Bug] ReynoldsStress: Non-axisymmetric results in a circular pipe (henry)
0002328: [Patch] Silent rules for wmake (henry)
0002331: [Patch] foamDictionary uses fatalError instead of fatalIOError (henry)
0002319: [Bug] misprint in a comment line in indexedOctree.H (henry)
0002314: [Bug] Confusion with molecular and turbulent Prandl number in buoyantBoussinesq tutorial (henry)
0002313: [Bug] codedFunctionObject.H description contains errors (henry)
0002312: [Patch] Gcc 4.5, 4.6 and 4.7 are still briefly referenced to in etc/{bash,csh}rc (henry)
0002303: [Patch] chtMultiRegionFoam reports incorrect diffusion number (henry)
0002301: [Bug] blockMesh -blockTopology fails on movingCone tutorial (henry)
0002292: [Bug] SpalartAllmaras in pisoFoam not restarting correctly (henry)
0002297: [Bug] 6DOF solvers do not capture the nonlinearity in the rotational DOFs correctly (henry)
0002283: [Bug] absolute third-party paths in wmkdep, possible false positive on sed (henry)
0002287: [Bug] Documentation of movingWallVelocity (henry)
0002284: [Patch] single argument plane constructors cause problems (henry)
0002280: [Bug] __STDC_LIMITS_MACROS re-defined in several places (henry)
0002276: [Contribution] more initializer_lists for containers (henry)
0002278: [Patch] triangle storage optimisation (henry)
0002226: [Bug] GAMGagglomeration does not stop when nCellsInCoarsestLevel 1 (henry)
0002267: [Patch] Update for the git hook "pre-commit" , as addressed in #2264 (henry)
0002268: [Bug] Unnecessary hidden file (henry)
0002266: [Bug] cellMotionFvPatchField does not preserve patchType (henry)
0002264: [Bug] Recent commit has a few old template definitions (henry)
0001815: [Bug] Unable to run solidBodyMotionFvMesh with more than 3 cyclicAMI patch pairs (henry)
0002237: [Bug] Problem with the combustion model FSD and LES (henry)
0002240: [Bug] codedSource derives from cellSetOption but cannot use it (henry)
0002234: [Patch] algebraicPairGAMGAgglomeration agglomerates based on upper coefficients only (henry)
0002051: [Bug] Compilation of OpenFOAM-3.0.1 fails due to errors (henry)
0002235: [Patch] polyMesh::movePoints does not clear out cellTreePtr_ (henry)
0002233: [Patch] When using a custom GCC stack with binutils included, sometimes CMake will fail to configure the PV*Readers (henry)
0002225: [Contribution] Typo in src/meshTools/coordinateSystems/coordinateRotation/{STARCD,Euler}CoordinateRotation.H (henry)
0002218: [Patch] src/Pstream/Allwclean is missing, leading to not properly clean up the respective MPI build of Pstream (henry)
0002216: [Patch] A few code revisions for the "fieldValues" and "forces" function objects (henry)
0002212: [Patch] Remove dependency from "SCOTCH_ROOT" and repair "decompose/Allwclean" (henry)
0002182: [Bug] fvDom: wrong results when cacheDiv = false (henry)
0002090: [Bug] Recent commit makes it not easy to use "secondary time" write options (henry)
0002195: [Contribution] libs() entry does not take environment variables (henry)
0001836: [Bug] --> FOAM FATAL ERROR: Particle lost across cyclicAMI & --> FOAM FATAL ERROR: cell, tetFace and tetPt search failure at position (henry)
0002189: [Bug] Function nIterations() of the SolverPerformance Template class is not working for Vectors (henry)
0002181: [Bug] nullptr collateral damage (henry)
0002178: [Patch] segfault is possible in FixedList constructor (based on code inspection) (henry)
0002153: [Bug] Activating Brownian force in all lagrangian solvers cause particles to highly speedup (henry)
0002159: [Patch] decomposing with constraints is extremely slow on big case (henry)
0001936: [Bug] SnappyHexMesh unable to split AMI patches (henry)
0002148: [Bug] postprocess option does not execute functionObject::end (henry)
0002152: [Patch] "uint.H" has an inconsistent definition, when cross-checking with "uintIO.C" (henry)
0002146: [Patch] Recent transfer of logicistics from AllwmakeParseArguments to wmake, results in 2 pass build (henry)
0002144: [Patch] Missing parenthesis on the recent non-bash depToSource implementation (henry)
0002140: [Bug] OpenFOAM-dev (4.x) does not compile (henry)
0002143: [Patch] fvc::cellReduce initialises to zero (henry)
0002142: [Bug] laplacianFoam does not support fvOptions (henry)
0002139: [Bug] global.Cver always compiled if sources not under git (henry)
0002137: [Bug] inconsistencies in unsigned primitives (henry)
0002129: [Bug] potentialFoam does not copy settings of complex bcs, only the type (henry)
0002131: [Bug] Allwmake lost sight of the header file. (henry)
0002128: [Bug] uLabel FULLDEBUG check irrelevevant (henry)
0002125: [Bug] wclean all does not use Allwclean in subdirectories (henry)
0002121: [Bug] wmake libso error! (henry)
0002120: [Patch] src/Allwmake does not rebuild .build string (henry)
0002117: [Bug] Typo in "volFlowRateSurface.cfg" due to auto-rename and other related issues (henry)
0001822: [Bug] erased refinement history files for reconstructParMesh with dynamicFvMesh (henry)
0002116: [Bug] wmake error (henry)
0002112: [Patch] Minor proposal relative to updates made to bashrc/cshrc and aliases on the 6 and 7th of June 2016 (henry)
0002115: [Bug] UOPstream::write of C-string indexes out of bounds (henry)
0002110: [Bug] tutorial MPPICFoam/injectionChannel: wrong sign of velocity in patch "upperInlet" (henry)
0002105: [Contribution] origId of parcels not unique when breakup model is used (henry)
0002082: [Bug] AMI + dynamic mesh + 6 DoF (henry)
0002106: [Patch] missing printing of key (henry)
0002103: [Contribution] createBaffles leaves zero-sized patches (henry)
0002102: [Patch] SafeFatalIOError prints wrong file and line number (henry)
0002100: [Patch] localMin, localMax not parallel consistent (henry)
0002101: [Contribution] variant of DebugVar (henry)
0002096: [Bug] number of step not calculated properly in simpleControl class constructor (henry)
0002089: [Patch] A few textual updates for scripts related to issue #1232 and writeRegisteredObject example file (henry)
0002088: [Patch] checkMesh reports ACMI cases as having open cells (henry)
0002031: [Bug] etc/bashrc + foamCleanPath + Deb installation = removal of other applications from PATH in /opt/ (henry)
0001301: [Bug] execFlowFunctionObjects doesn't work with multiphase flow (henry)
0002077: [Bug] Scripts in the tutorials folder: "\cp" + "\rm" vs "cp" + "rm" + override check (henry)
0002083: [Bug] caseDicts/setConstraintTypes does not provide value for ACMI (henry)
0002084: [Bug] useReactionRate is removed. (henry)
0002032: [Bug] The strategy string for scotch decomposition is throwing errors while decomposition of Mesh (henry)
0001232: [Bug] WM_CC (henry)
0002080: [Patch] cyclic baffles not handled in coupled edge synchronisation (henry)
0002073: [Bug] density problem in reactingTwoPhaseEulerFoam (henry)
0002079: [Patch] Duplicate inclusions of "createTimeControls.H" in various solvers (henry)
0002078: [Patch] A few more description fixes for "src/TurbulenceModels/compressible/turbulentFluidThermoModels/derivedFvPatchFields" (henry)
0002076: [Patch] Should we use ".org" or ".orig" as the conventional suffix for original tutorial case files? (henry)
0002075: [Bug] singlePhaseTransportModel is not run-time selectable (henry)
0002074: [Bug] Compilation failed when WM_LABEL_SIZE=64 is set (henry)
0002069: [Bug] Compilation stops at histogram function object (henry)
0001938: [Bug] upToDate checking not synchronised in parallell (henry)
0002036: [Bug] BrownianMotionForce of particles in lamiar flow, incorrect correlation (henry)
0002065: [Bug] noScatter.H has the same include guard as constantScatter.H (henry)
0002062: [Bug] interDyMFoam/ras/damBreakWithObstacle does not set mapping for alphaPhi (henry)
0002060: [Bug] dictionary::topDict() returns parent of topDict (henry)
0002061: [Bug] Non-critical typos LES motorBike tutorial (henry)
0001330: [Bug] Scalability issue: Exchange of message sizes (henry)
0002030: [Bug] DebugSwitch objectRegistry leads to segfault at destruction of Time object when the application terminates (henry)
0000905: [Bug] Iso surface algorithm results with an inconsistent normal orientation (henry)
0002021: wmake utilities are build with -pg flag if WM_COMPILE_OPTION=Prof (henry)
0002022: Strange initialization of specularityCoefficient_ and restitutionCoefficient_ in JohnsonJacksonParticle*FvPatchScalarField.C (henry)
0002002: [Bug] Question regarding SuSp usage in kineticTheory.C (henry)
0000741: [Bug] propeller tutorial dose not converge by scotch method (henry)
0001846: [Bug] OpenFOAM fails to build on ppc64le (henry)
0001020: [Bug] Not all debug switches work for case control (henry)
0004136: [Patch] Issues reported at 4121 and 4122 also affect OpenFOAM 12 (will)
0003453: [Patch] wrong setType value in cylinder and cylinderAnnulusToFace and addtional pointSource (henry)
0003289: [Bug] DTCHullMoving example crashes with dynamicMeshDict.sixDoF configuration. (henry)
0003225: [Bug] results are quite different (henry)
0003148: [Bug] reactingMultiphaseEulerFoam: Dictionary entry order for the phases involved affects results (henry)
0002686: [Bug] #ifndef *_H names don't necessarily correspond to *.H filename (henry)
0002589: [Bug] The use of the IshiiZuber dragModel in the bubbleColumn tutorial for reactingMultiphaseEulerFoam results in a sigFpe (henry)
0002509: [Patch] WallShearStress Dict - Wrong Units (henry)
0002433: [Bug] correctInflowFlux not used in reactingTwoPhaseEulerFoam (henry)
0002353: [Bug] yplus functionobject does not show the value on screen (henry)
0002199: [Bug] Float Point Exception in DPMFoam when injection of parcel with high "nParticle" starts (henry)
0001023: [Bug] Possible error in kOmegaSSTSAS (henry)
607 issues View Issues
Released 2016-05-25
0003691: [Patch] incorrect comment for libccmio (henry)
0003434: [Bug] Foam::sampledSurfaces::plane ctor compiler error (henry)
0003137: [Patch] Recent change introduced for building Boost for CGAL 4.12, broke makeCGAL with Boost 1.55 (henry)
0003126: [Patch] CGAL 4.12 and more support (henry)
0003081: [Bug] typo in turbulentTransportModel.H (henry)
0003065: [Patch] ThirdParty Allwmake script seems to be incomplete for optional CGAL build (henry)
0002943: [Patch] Recent change in makeGcc to use "--enable-multilib" by default, breaks the "-no-multilib" option (henry)
0002289: [Bug] Wrong CMAKE option for ParaView OpenGL2 backend in etc/tools/ParaViewFunctions (henry)
0002114: [Patch] Recent compatibility upgrade to GCC 6.1 in bashrc/cshrc affected building CGAL (henry)
0002113: [Patch] makeGcc: added "-no-multilib" option to the script (henry)
0002098: [Patch] ParaView fails to build with gcc-6 (henry)
11 issues View Issues