Released 2024-07-09
0004209: [Bug] Non-conformal mesh with NCC coupling cannot be used as source of mapFields (will)
0004189: [Bug] The foamRun crashes with the fvModel verticalDamping (henry)
0004187: [Bug] mergeMesh deletes informations that are inside the cellZonesfiles (henry)
0004181: [Bug] Calculating Lagrangian using cpuLoad, reconstrut errors will occur if writeFormat uses ascii, but binary does not (will)
0004176: [Bug] reconstructPar crashes when NCC is done in parallel and fileHandler is collated (will)
0004171: [Bug] The mesh import with fluent3DMeshToFoam works differently under OpenFOAM 12 than under OpenFOAM 11 (henry)
0004167: [Bug] Lagrangian particle tracking crash with turbulent dispersion on (will)
0004165: [Bug] turbineSiting tutorial does not run properly (returns junk) (henry)
0004155: [Bug] NCC crashes with motionSolver rigidBodyMotion and sixDoFRigidBodyMotion (will)
0004152: [Patch] Fix for mapped patches in case of a single face in a parallel case (will)
0004130: [Bug] NCC crashes with CrankNicolson integration (will)
0001876: [Bug] Boundary field with jumpAMI not initialized properly (will)
0004111: [Bug] Typo in COxidationIntrinsicRate (will)
13 issues View Issues