Released 2023-07-11
0003869: [Bug] externalWallHeatFluxTemperature BC does not work anymore with compressibleInterFoam and compressibleMultiphaseInterFoam (will)
0004104: [Bug] setFields excludes the last boundary field in the boundary list (henry)
0004097: [Bug] atmBoundaryLayerInletVelocity boundary condition description (will)
0004061: [Bug] Error in implementation of Langmuir-Hinshelwood reaction rate derivative with respect to molar concentration (will)
0004058: [Bug] cylindricalFunctionObject rendering incorrect results (will)
0004055: [Bug] turbulenceFields function object does not access to fluidThermophysicalTransportModel (henry)
0004040: [Bug] createNonConformalCouples crash after SHM (will)
0004043: [Bug] wrong results for the solver module "solid" for nNonOrthogonalCorrectors > 0 due to not updating the temperature field (henry)
0004039: [Bug] Error running circuitBoardCooling case in tutorial folder in parallel (will)
0004034: [Bug] Bug for pimpleFoam, parallel, outerCorrectorResidualControl, when using moveMeshOuterCorrectors true (henry)
0004020: [Bug] shockFluid crashes with NCC (henry)
0004014: [Bug] volFieldValue min/max FO crashes with cellZone in parallel (henry)
0003999: [Bug] NCC raises fatal error when using in combination with PLIC (will)
0003995: [Bug] wmkdep calculates replacement position wrong (henry)
14 issues View Issues