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IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0002773OpenFOAMBugpublic2018-08-28 10:59
ReporterSadeghEbadi Assigned Towill  
PriorityurgentSeveritycrashReproducibilityhave not tried
Status closedResolutionnot fixable 
PlatformLinuxOSUbuntuOS Version16.04
Summary0002773: Crash in SprayFoam solver
I want to simulate Sandia Spray H non-reactive and reactive case by means of a wedge geometry (x=108mm,r=54mm, degree=4 or 5). When I try to solve it via spray foam during the solving process liquid penetration fluctuates between 0.007 m and 0! the problem is that in some times everything suddenly becomes zero and it starts from the beginning! I checked everything and it seems to be OK.
What's the solution?
Also I'm attaching images of this problem



2017-11-28 06:04


bug2.png (182,594 bytes)   
bug2.png (182,594 bytes)   


2017-11-28 08:43

manager   ~0009072

Support request


2017-11-28 09:05

reporter   ~0009073

What do you mean by support request?
This is a code issue of SprayFoam!


2017-11-28 09:52

reporter   ~0009074

The information provided is not enough to reproduce the error.

Please, understand that statements like "some times everything suddenly becomes zero" or "I checked everything and it seems to be OK" are not really indicative of the kind of problem that is showing up. Asking for a solution at this moment without giving further details is actually a support request more than a proper bug report.

Could you provide a simple case that shows this wrong behavior? That would be very useful to start identifying the actual issue.


2017-11-28 11:15

manager   ~0009080

A case would be an improvement, but if the argument remains that "the results are wrong", then this will still be an issue of support. Spray penetration can fluctuate for any number of reasons, many of which are not bugs. A valid bug report identifies an issue and argues/proves why it is a problem in the code and not just a matter of user error.


2017-11-28 16:19

reporter   ~0009087

OK, let me describe it precisely. First look at the file 188.Pdf they have also the same problem with liquid penetration length you can read it for more detail.
Secondly, Spray h non-reacting case is a simple case for simulation you can simulate it via SprayFoam and compare the results with the experimental results that had been provided here:
They have suggested to use a cylinder of size 108*108 mm with the mesh resolution of 0.25 mm. In order to simulate it and reducing the computational time I'm trying to use a wedge case (or a 30 degree sector of the cylinder) but when running the simulation with sprayFoam at some time after the simulation start everything becomes zero such as
deltaT = 4.28541e-07
Time = 0.00358629

Solving 2-D cloud sprayCloud
Cloud: sprayCloud
    Current number of parcels = 1
    Current mass in system = 1.41329e-13
    Linear momentum = (2.9311e-11 9.95591e-13 1.14472e-13)
   |Linear momentum| = 2.93282e-11
    Linear kinetic energy = 3.04305e-09
        number of parcels added = 1136
        mass introduced = 1.27455e-07
    Parcel fate (number, mass)
      - escape = 0, 0
      - stick = 0, 0
    Temperature min/max = 515.303, 515.303
    Mass transfer phase change = 1.27455e-07
    D10, D32, Dmax (mu) = 0.393021, 0.393021, 0.393021
    Liquid penetration 95% mass (m) = 0.00514539

deltaT = 4.28541e-07
Time = 0.00358672

Solving 2-D cloud sprayCloud
Cloud: sprayCloud
    Current number of parcels = 0
    Current mass in system = 0
    Linear momentum = (0 0 0)
   |Linear momentum| = 0
    Linear kinetic energy = 0
        number of parcels added = 1136
        mass introduced = 1.27455e-07
    Parcel fate (number, mass)
      - escape = 0, 0
      - stick = 0, 0
    Temperature min/max = 0, 0
    Mass transfer phase change = 1.27455e-07
    D10, D32, Dmax (mu) = 0, 0, 0
    Liquid penetration 95% mass (m) = 0

As you see at Time = 0.00358629 everything is ok but at the next timesteps everything becomes zero. I hope that I described the problem clearly but if it is not enough please let me know.
Also please don't forget to read the attached pdf
188.pdf (1,099,811 bytes)


2017-11-28 17:04

manager   ~0009088

The spray penetration is zero because the current number of parcels is zero. Do you think another value should be reported for the penetration in this situation? What is wrong with the penetration calculation (SprayCloudI.H, line 76)?

Or, maybe you think the number of parcels shouldn't be zero. I would assume that they have all evaporated or left the domain. Is that not the case? Are they disappearing due to a bug?


2017-11-28 19:19

manager   ~0009089

There is no way of knowing from the report whether there is a significant issue with sprayFoam or not, or whether the case is set up incorrectly. (Given the PDF shows users successfully overpredicting non-zero spray penetration, it is likely the latter).

The people who contribute their work to the public by resolving issues on this forum (and developing OpenFOAM) do not provide free support here.



2017-11-28 21:02

reporter   ~0009090

Excuse me, You mean that suddenly all of the parcels at the same time had been eliminated?! Although we have uniform injection at all time steps. Then I think there should be some parcels at all time steps.
Dear chris I don't know why I feel anger from your message, but you should know that I appreciate all developers helps and I don't want free support!!!
I just want to solve the issue if it is related to the SprayFoam itself!


2017-11-28 22:46

updater   ~0009091

@SadeghEbadi: By looking at the guidelines stated in the rules page: - from section "Reporting an Issue", the following details are missing in your report:

 - A clear set of instructions that reproduces the issue, including key files, if required.

More specifically, in the current report, it's missing a test case with which the reported problem can be reproduced.

Furthermore, complete proof that there is a bug is also missing. From what I can see, it's not clear if the problem has to do with using the 'wedge' boundary conditions or if it's a problem with the case set-up specifically.
Therefore, in order to isolate the origin of the problem, a complete case that has the full cylinder is also needed for comparing the results and what is happening.

Last but not least, there is another problem with this report: OpenFOAM 4.1 is indicated has the version being used. The current major version is OpenFOAM 5.0, therefore this issue could potentially have already been solved in the more recent developments.


2017-11-29 06:28

reporter   ~0009096

@wyldckat: Hello dear Bruno, Ok I have attached the files (0, constant, chemkin, system)(See the attachment named you can try it by yourself. (424,600 bytes)


2017-11-29 06:35

reporter   ~0009097

Thank you all for your efforts, please let me know if you need extra information


2017-11-29 08:56

updater   ~0009099

@SadeghEbadi: Please also provide a case that has the complete 360 degree mesh, for comparing the results.


2017-11-29 13:36

manager   ~0009107

The case is setup incorrectly.

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2017-11-28 06:04 SadeghEbadi New Issue
2017-11-28 06:04 SadeghEbadi File Added: bug2.png
2017-11-28 06:04 SadeghEbadi Tag Attached: sprayFoam
2017-11-28 08:43 will Assigned To => will
2017-11-28 08:43 will Status new => closed
2017-11-28 08:43 will Resolution open => no change required
2017-11-28 08:43 will Note Added: 0009072
2017-11-28 09:05 SadeghEbadi Status closed => feedback
2017-11-28 09:05 SadeghEbadi Resolution no change required => reopened
2017-11-28 09:05 SadeghEbadi Note Added: 0009073
2017-11-28 09:52 guin Note Added: 0009074
2017-11-28 11:15 will Note Added: 0009080
2017-11-28 16:19 SadeghEbadi File Added: 188.pdf
2017-11-28 16:19 SadeghEbadi Note Added: 0009087
2017-11-28 16:19 SadeghEbadi Status feedback => assigned
2017-11-28 17:04 will Note Added: 0009088
2017-11-28 19:19 chris Note Added: 0009089
2017-11-28 19:19 chris Status assigned => closed
2017-11-28 19:19 chris Resolution reopened => fixed
2017-11-28 19:19 chris Sticky Issue No => Yes
2017-11-28 21:02 SadeghEbadi Status closed => feedback
2017-11-28 21:02 SadeghEbadi Resolution fixed => reopened
2017-11-28 21:02 SadeghEbadi Note Added: 0009090
2017-11-28 22:46 wyldckat Note Added: 0009091
2017-11-28 22:48 wyldckat Project ThirdParty => OpenFOAM
2017-11-29 06:28 SadeghEbadi File Added:
2017-11-29 06:28 SadeghEbadi Note Added: 0009096
2017-11-29 06:28 SadeghEbadi Status feedback => assigned
2017-11-29 06:35 SadeghEbadi Note Added: 0009097
2017-11-29 08:56 wyldckat Note Added: 0009099
2017-11-29 13:36 chris Note Added: 0009107
2017-11-29 13:37 chris Status assigned => closed
2017-11-29 13:37 chris Resolution reopened => not fixable
2018-08-28 10:59 wyldckat Sticky Issue Yes => No