View Issue Details
ID | Project | Category | View Status | Date Submitted | Last Update |
0000477 | OpenFOAM | Bug | public | 2012-03-21 20:27 | 2012-04-13 17:44 |
Reporter | Assigned To | ||||
Priority | normal | Severity | major | Reproducibility | always |
Status | closed | Resolution | fixed | ||
Platform | Linux | OS | Ubuntu | OS Version | 10.04 |
Summary | 0000477: porousInterFoam : No change in front position when modifying the porosity | ||||
Description | I'm using the porousInterFoam solver. And I try to deal with a 1D front propagation. There is an analytical solution for predicting the front position and it depends on porosity. When I modify the porosity, I don't observe any change in the front velocity. That must be a bug. Analytical solution : x(t) = sqrt(P*K*t/(mu*phi)) where : x is the front position [m], t the time [s], P the inlet pressure [Pa], K the permeability [m2], mu the dynamic viscosity [Pa.s] and phi the porosity [no dim.]. | ||||
Steps To Reproduce | unzip the provided file Run blockMesh Run porousInterFoam Monitor the front position in time Change porosity in the porousZone (in the constant folder) Run porousInterFoam Monitor the front position in time That's the same position and that shouldn't be the same. | ||||
Tags | No tags attached. | ||||
2012-03-21 20:27
The "porosity" entry is for the treatment of temporal terms in the porous zone equations. Although, currently is not supported. To change the pressure drop across the porous media you need to modify d and f accordingly. Thanks |
Date Modified | Username | Field | Change |
2012-03-21 20:27 |
New Issue | |
2012-03-21 20:27 |
File Added: porosityTest.tar.gz | |
2012-04-13 17:44 |
Note Added: 0001240 | |
2012-04-13 17:44 |
Status | new => closed |
2012-04-13 17:44 |
Assigned To | => user21 |
2012-04-13 17:44 |
Resolution | open => fixed |