View Issue Details

IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0004219OpenFOAMBugpublic2025-03-05 15:02
Reportercgoessni Assigned Tohenry  
Status closedResolutionno change required 
Product Versiondev 
Summary0004219: writeObjects and wallHeatFlux combination leads to a "NotImplemented" crash
DescriptionWhen using writeObjects function to dump all objects (objects (".*")) and having wallHeatFlux also active leads to a NotImplemented crash:

Not implemented

    From function virtual bool Foam::solutionControl::writeData(Foam::Ostream&) const
    in file algorithms/solutionControl/solutionControl.C at line 46.

FOAM aborting

#0 Foam::error::printStack(Foam::Ostream&) at ??:?
#1 Foam::error::abort() at ??:?
#2 Foam::solutionControl::writeData(Foam::Ostream&) const at ??:?
#3 Foam::fileOperation::writeObject(Foam::regIOobject const&, Foam::IOstream::streamFormat, Foam::IOstream::versionNumber, Foam::IOstream::compressionType, bool) const at ??:?
#4 Foam::regIOobject::writeObject(Foam::IOstream::streamFormat, Foam::IOstream::versionNumber, Foam::IOstream::compressionType, bool) const at ??:?
#5 Foam::functionObjects::writeObjectsBase::write() at ??:?
#6 Foam::functionObjects::writeObjects::write() at ??:?
#7 Foam::functionObjectList::execute() at ??:?
#8 Foam::Time::run() const at Time.C:?
#9 ? at ??:?
#10 __libc_start_main in "/lib64/"
#11 ? at ??:?
Steps To ReproduceInside XiFluid/kivaTest, add two function objects:

foamDictionary -entry wallHeatFlux -set "{type wallHeatFlux; libs (\"libfieldFunctionObjects\");}" system/functions
foamDictionary -entry writeObjects -set "{type writeObjects; libs (\"\"); objects (\".*\");" system/functions

and then run the case as usual with Allrun. foamRun will crash after the first time step.
TagsNo tags attached.



2025-03-05 11:18

manager   ~0013535

Why is the change

foamDictionary -entry wallHeatFlux -set "{type wallHeatFlux; libs (\"libfieldFunctionObjects\");}" system/functions

necessary to test that the 'objects (\".*\")' is not possible because not all objects can or should be written?


2025-03-05 12:04

reporter   ~0013536

It isn't, I just tested it and even without the wallHeatFlux function object I see the crash.

Background is that we saw this crash in our engine simulations as soon as the wallHeatFlux was added, so I draw the conclusion that this is needed, but this seems unrelated, sorry for the confusion.

So just running:

 foamDictionary -entry writeObjects -set "{type writeObjects; libs (\"\"); objects (\".*\");" system/functions

in kivaTest and then Allrun leads to the same crash here.


2025-03-05 15:02

manager   ~0013539

'objects (\".*\")' is not possible because not all objects can or should be written.

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2025-03-05 06:49 cgoessni New Issue
2025-03-05 11:18 henry Note Added: 0013535
2025-03-05 12:04 cgoessni Note Added: 0013536
2025-03-05 15:02 henry Assigned To => henry
2025-03-05 15:02 henry Status new => closed
2025-03-05 15:02 henry Resolution open => no change required
2025-03-05 15:02 henry Note Added: 0013539