View Issue Details

IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0004211OpenFOAMBugpublic2025-02-04 10:16
Reporterpeth Assigned Towill  
Status closedResolutionno change required 
OSarch linux 
Product Version12 
Summary0004211: ParaView - NCC issues
DescriptionOpening OpenFOAM simulations consisting NCC type boundaries in native ParaView produces warnings in ParaView:
    "Number of cells/points in mesh and field do not match: mesh = 0, field = 9 in T"
This results in some limitations in ParaView interface, as the quantities calculated on the coupled boundary cannot be visualized. For example:
    - opening the $FOAM_TUTORIALS/multiRegion/CHT/misalignedDuct simulation case the T temperature field cannot be visualized on the coupled interface
    - In this case only the cell-based temperature can be shown in the volumetric domain, the point-type interpolation cannot be selected (although a workaround for this can be to use an extra "cellDatatoPointData" filter based on
    - In certain cases the required quantity exists only on the coupled interface, for example if radiation modelling is included, the net radiative surface heat flux "qr" on the non-conformal coupled surface on a solid-fluid boundary cannot be visualized.
I know that this problem is more of an OpenFOAM-ParaView issue, however as NCC is the option for non-conformal meshes in the recent versions of OpenFOAM, this problem can occur in numerous cases and I thought it would be useful to report it here. Generating VTK files with foamToVTK can be a workaround, however in more complex cases this can be time-consuming process compared to checking the results in ParaView.
I also mentioned this problem to ParaView at (although the main issue here was different).
Steps To Reproduce#create new sample simulation from tutorial
cp -r $FOAM_TUTORIALS/multiRegion/CHT/misalignedDuct sim

#navigate to sim dir, and create foam.foam file
cd sim
touch foam.foam

#run the simulation for a few iterations

#start ParaView and then open the simulation by selecting the foam.foam file in ParaView
paraview &
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2025-01-31 18:24

updater   ~0013517

Wait, hold on, which OpenFOAM reader are you using in ParaView?
The one built in (.foam extension) or the one provided by OpenFOAM (.OpenFOAM)?

Because the OpenFOAM Foundation only maintains the one with the .OpenFOAM file extension.


2025-01-31 20:51

manager   ~0013518

We can't do anything about this. This error comes from ParaView's built-in reader module.

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2025-01-31 17:17 peth New Issue
2025-01-31 18:24 wyldckat Note Added: 0013517
2025-01-31 20:51 will Assigned To => will
2025-01-31 20:51 will Status new => closed
2025-01-31 20:51 will Resolution open => no change required
2025-01-31 20:51 will Note Added: 0013518