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IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0004210OpenFOAMBugpublic2025-01-31 20:58
Reporterpeth Assigned Towill  
Status closedResolutionsuspended 
OSarch linux 
Product Version12 
Summary0004210: foamPostProcess patchIntegrate problem on NCC boundary
DescriptionIn $FOAM_TUTORIALS/multiRegion/CHT/misalignedDuct tutorial foamPostProcess's "patchIntegrate" function on non-conformal mesh with NCC coupling seems to be problematic on fluid1Solid2_on_fluidNonCouple1, as the coupled boundary net surface size is calculated to be close to 0 in the integration. However, by inspecting the mesh boundaries fluidNonCouple1 and SolidNonCouple2 (these are the two selected base patches of the "fluid1Solid2_on_fluidNonCouple1" coupled boundary), I think the two patches have a non-zero overlapping area. This problem also happens on the "fluid2Solid1_on_fluidNonCouple2" coupled boundary too, however on the "fluid1Fluid2_on_fluidNonCouple1" patch the overlapping area is calculated correctly (0.0004 m^2).
Steps To Reproduce#create new sample simulation from tutorial
cp -r $FOAM_TUTORIALS/multiRegion/CHT/misalignedDuct sim

#navigate to sim_source and run it for a few iterations
cd sim_source

#run foamPostProcess to integrate some quanitiy (integrating T is meaningless in this case, it is selected only to show the problem)
foamPostProcess -region fluid -latestTime -func 'patchIntegrate(patch=fluid1Solid2_on_fluidNonCouple1,T)'
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2025-01-31 17:27

reporter   ~0013516

edit: in "Steps to reproduce" part the second command should be: cd sim


2025-01-31 20:58

manager   ~0013519

fluid1Solid2_on_fluidNonCouple1 has (near) zero size because it is a inter-region nonConformalMappedWall interface and foamPostProcess has only loaded one region. Without both regions the intersection cannot be calculated and the interface is therefore left empty.

fluid1Fluid2_on_fluidNonCouple1 has the correct size because it is an intra-region nonConformalCyclic interface and hence it only needs one region to be loaded for the intersection to be calculated and the interface to be propertly constructed.

The solution here is to extend foamPostProcess so that it has (optional) multi-region support.

Closing pending funding for such a development.

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2025-01-31 16:43 peth New Issue
2025-01-31 17:27 peth Note Added: 0013516
2025-01-31 20:58 will Assigned To => will
2025-01-31 20:58 will Status new => closed
2025-01-31 20:58 will Resolution open => suspended
2025-01-31 20:58 will Note Added: 0013519