View Issue Details

IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0004207OpenFOAMBugpublic2025-01-30 15:37
ReporterTobermory Assigned Tohenry  
Status closedResolutionno change required 
PlatformGNU/LinuxOSOtherOS Version(please specify)
Product Version12 
Summary0004207: fixedShearStress boundary sets the kinematic shear stress
DescriptionI am not sure whether this is truly a "bug", or just a different convention. It is confusing though and I don't see why it was done the way it was (unless the class was developed originally for an incompressible solver).

The fixedShearStressFvPatchVectorField class is described in its header as:
     "Set a constant shear stress as tau0 = -nuEff dU/dn"
and indeed the class constructor has a default value with dimensions of velocity squared:
    tau0_(dict.lookupOrDefault<vector>("tau", sqr(dimVelocity), Zero))

My problem is that this is a *kinematic* shear stress, and it's more normal to use dynamic stress, i.e. rho times the above, especially in a compressible solver. You might counter "well just enter the kinematic value", which is fine if you know the density, i.e. pressure & T, a-priori, but sometimes you might not ...

Steps To ReproduceRead the code.
TagsNo tags attached.



2025-01-30 15:37

manager   ~0013514

This is not a bug but apparently a development request for which funding is required.

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2025-01-30 15:20 Tobermory New Issue
2025-01-30 15:37 henry Assigned To => henry
2025-01-30 15:37 henry Status new => closed
2025-01-30 15:37 henry Resolution open => no change required
2025-01-30 15:37 henry Note Added: 0013514