Reporter | saklep | Assigned To | henry | |
Priority | normal | Severity | minor | Reproducibility | always |
Status | closed | Resolution | suspended | |
Platform | GNU/Linux | OS | Other | OS Version | (please specify) |
Product Version | dev | |
Summary | 0004206: Case startup difficulty with non-zero sixDoF mesh displacement |
Description | If mesh displacement is non-zero on first time-step, fluid fields are seemingly initialized before the mesh motion is applied. This leads to a crash or inconsistent results on first timesteps.
Steps To Reproduce | Start tutorial case "/tutorials/incompressibleVoF/sloshingTank3D3DoF" from time 2 (or any other non-zero time). The resulting pressure and velocity behaviour is obviously incorrect. |
Additional Information | The workaround is to manually move mesh to start position and recreate the motion table starting from this location. This is un-ideal from usability perspective and causes severe difficulties in more complex applications. |
Tags | No tags attached. |