View Issue Details

IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0004178OpenFOAMBugpublic2025-02-01 11:24
Reporterheatthinker Assigned Tohenry  
Status resolvedResolutionfixed 
PlatformAMD EPYCOSUbuntuOS Version22.04
Product Version12 
Fixed in Versiondev 
Summary0004178: fvSolution/PIMPLE controls do nothing
DescriptionIn the commit "" it was mentioned that the frozenFlow control was replaced by a more general approach:

    models yes;
    thermophysics no;
    flow no;

You can still find that these controls are read in the OF12 versions, fluidSolutionControl.H. ""
They are checked for a boolean value, but their functionality seems to be removed. I am guessing with the switch to the modular solver approach, since with that switch the tutorial "$FOAM_TUTORIALS/combustion/buoyantReactingFoam/Lagrangian/rivuletPanel" has also removed this functionality.
Steps To ReproduceSetting the controls to:

    flow banana;


expected 'true/false', 'on/off' ... found banana

Setting the control to

    flow off;

does nothing.
Additional InformationIf this feature was indeed removed and or replaced, could you point me in the direction, of how I can reproduce this control setting within a multiRegion/CHT case.
TagsNo tags attached.



2024-11-14 09:40

viewer   ~0013462

I made a formatting error. Here are functional links:


2024-11-14 10:38

manager   ~0013463

The "flow" and "thermophysics" options are still used by multiphaseEuler, if you do not need that solver and delete it you could remove these settings and functions from fluidSolutionControl.


2025-02-01 11:23

manager   ~0013521

commit c822a9b786a38bdc8f885c1dfad9c616bf1efc9f (HEAD -> master, origin/master, origin/HEAD)
Author: Henry Weller <>
Date: Fri Jan 31 14:56:54 2025 +0000

    Foam::solver: Added support for PIMPLE flow, thermophysics and models controls in ALL solver modules
    This required separating momentum and thermophysical transport prediction and
    correction in all solver modules by
        //- Predict the momentum transport
        virtual void momentumTransportPredictor() = 0;
        //- Predict thermophysical transport
        virtual void thermophysicalTransportPredictor() = 0;
    and replacing
        //- Correct the momentum and thermophysical transport modelling
        virtual void postCorrector() = 0;
        //- Correct the momentum transport
        virtual void momentumTransportCorrector() = 0;
        //- Correct the thermophysical transport
        virtual void thermophysicalTransportCorrector() = 0;
    This allowed the controls for transport prediction and correction to be moved
    from the solver modules into foamRun and foamMultiRun along with the PIMPLE
    flow, thermophysics and models controls from multiphaseEuler.
    Now in the PIMPLE controls in fvSolution the optional controls
        flow yes;
        thermophysics yes;
        models yes;
    are available to switch on/off these parts of the solution, in particular for
    complex CHT simulations in which the thermal time-scales are much longer than
    the fluid time-scales and it is advantageous to run the thermal system on a
    frozen flow field after it has evolved and then coupling the solution again
    after the thermal system has evolved. These switches can be changed at run-time
    allowing the flow and thermal systems to be switched on/off during the run.


2025-02-01 11:24

manager   ~0013522

Resolved by commit c822a9b786a38bdc8f885c1dfad9c616bf1efc9f

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2024-11-14 09:37 heatthinker New Issue
2024-11-14 09:40 heatthinker Note Added: 0013462
2024-11-14 10:38 henry Assigned To => henry
2024-11-14 10:38 henry Status new => closed
2024-11-14 10:38 henry Resolution open => no change required
2024-11-14 10:38 henry Note Added: 0013463
2025-02-01 11:23 henry Note Added: 0013521
2025-02-01 11:24 henry Status closed => resolved
2025-02-01 11:24 henry Resolution no change required => fixed
2025-02-01 11:24 henry Fixed in Version => dev
2025-02-01 11:24 henry Note Added: 0013522