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IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0004168OpenFOAMFeaturepublic2024-10-24 15:12
Reporterheatthinker Assigned Tohenry  
Status closedResolutionno change required 
PlatformGNU/LinuxOSOtherOS Version(please specify)
Product Version12 
Summary0004168: The refineMesh utility does not update cellZones
DescriptionWhen the refineMesh utility is run on a polyMesh with different cellZones. The cellZones file is not updated/changed. This results in cells that have no cellZone anymore.

I would have expected the refineMesh utility to put the split cells into the same cellZone that the original cell was. This makes directional refinement impossible to achieve with just a refineMeshDict on a mesh with different cellZones.
Steps To ReproduceI provided a test cast, where a blockMesh with different cellZones is created. Afterward, a cellSet is defined with the topoSet utility. Then in the final step a refineMeshDict is called and the cellSet is refined. When inspecting the cellZones in Paraview only 4 of the newly created cells have a cellZone. I am guessing they have the same ID as the original cells.

refineMesh - overwrite
Additional InformationI think this could be a very cool Feature, since it would make the refineMesh utility an even more powerful tool than it already is.
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2024-10-24 14:42

viewer (13,031 bytes)


2024-10-24 15:12

manager   ~0013438

Correct the refineMesh utility does not update cellZones, they can and should be (re)generated after refinement.

> I think this could be a very cool Feature, since it would make the refineMesh utility an even more powerful tool than it already is.
If you have funding you can allocate to further development of refineMesh and zones please contact CFD Direct to discuss and undertake this work.

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2024-10-24 14:42 heatthinker New Issue
2024-10-24 14:42 heatthinker File Added: cellZones_visualized_after_refinement.png
2024-10-24 14:42 heatthinker File Added: cellzones_visualized_before_refinement.png
2024-10-24 14:42 heatthinker File Added:
2024-10-24 15:12 henry Assigned To => henry
2024-10-24 15:12 henry Status new => closed
2024-10-24 15:12 henry Resolution open => no change required
2024-10-24 15:12 henry Note Added: 0013438