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IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0004012OpenFOAMBugpublic2023-09-01 13:22
Reporterffran Assigned Tohenry  
PrioritynormalSeverityminorReproducibilityhave not tried
Status closedResolutionno change required 
PlatformGNU/LinuxOSDebianOS Version12
Summary0004012: Same solver, same case, crashes on different OS versions
DescriptionI have a custom multiphase solver written in OpenFOAM 5.x. I have used on a workstation with Debian 11 compiled with GCC 8. Recently a new workstation was bought equipped with Debian 12 and GCC 12. I compiled the same version of OpenFOAM with the same solver on the new machine and tried to run a case that I know to be working. Interestingly, the first GAMG iteration looks exactly the same, with the same residuals down to the last digit, but on the new machine the second iterations diverges completely to infinity. The only difference that might have been introduced, apart from hardware, is compiler versions (both were run serial so no MPI involved I think).
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2023-09-01 13:22

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Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2023-09-01 12:26 ffran New Issue
2023-09-01 13:22 henry Assigned To => henry
2023-09-01 13:22 henry Status new => closed
2023-09-01 13:22 henry Resolution open => no change required
2023-09-01 13:22 henry Note Added: 0013108