View Issue Details

IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0003856OpenFOAMBugpublic2022-07-16 22:51
ReporterTiberias_ Assigned Tohenry  
Status resolvedResolutionfixed 
PlatformGNU/LinuxOSFedoraOS Version36
Product Versiondev 
Summary0003856: #calcEntry in blockMeshDict produces IO Error with GCC 12
DescriptionWhen building OpenFOAM dev, 9 or 8 with gcc 12.1 blockMesh gives following error:

Create time

Reading "blockMeshDict"

Creating block mesh from
Using #calcEntry at line 34 in file "/home/user/documents/workDir/3_fine_t/system/blockMeshDict"

error in IOstream "OSHA1stream.sinkFile_" for operation Ostream& operator<<(Ostream&, const string&)

file: OSHA1stream.sinkFile_ at line 0.

    From function virtual bool Foam::IOstream::check(const char*) const
    in file db/IOstreams/IOstreams/IOstream.C at line 96.

FOAM exiting

calc entries looks like

lx #calc "$xmax - $xmin";
ly #calc "$ymax - $ymin";
lz #calc "$zmax - $zmin";

xcells #calc "abs($lx / $dx)";
ycells #calc "abs($ly / $dy)";
zcells #calc "abs($lz / $dz)";

When building with gcc 11.2 at RHEL blockMesh works without problems.
Steps To Reproducebuild OpenFOAM dev with GCC 12.1
run any blockMesh case with calc entries
TagsNo tags attached.



2022-07-05 22:08

manager   ~0012658

There appears to be bugs in the optimiser in gcc-12.1, if you compile with -O0 it will run fine. I am currently using gcc-10.1 without any problems.


2022-07-06 00:28

reporter   ~0012659

I just compiled OF-dev with disabled optimising and for some reason the above error appears again.
Just to make sure I did the right things, I changed the -O3 parameter in OpenFOAM-dev/wmake/rules/linux64Gcc/ to -O0.
The parameter was also present during the compilation process.


2022-07-06 07:46

manager   ~0012660

Yes this is the correct change, you would need to recompile the main OpenFOAM library.

I have investigated the problem further and traced it to the sha1streambuf::xsputn function. According to the C++-11 standard this function may call an overload function (which is not currently provided):

    Its default behavior in streambuf is to retrieve n characters, as if calling sputc for each, stopping if any call would return EOF. Except it is unspecified whether member overflow is called or whether other means are used in case of overflows.

    int overflow (int c = EOF);

    Put character on overflow
    Virtual function called by other member functions to put a character into the controlled output sequence without changing the current position.

    It is called by public member functions such as sputc to write a character when there are no writing positions available at the put pointer (pptr).

    Its default behavior in streambuf is to always return EOF (indicating failure), but derived classes can override this behavior to attempt to write the character directly and/or to alter pptr and other internal pointers so that more storage is provided, potentially writing unwritten characters to the controlled output sequence. Both filebuf and stringbuf override this virtual member function.


    Character to be put.
    If this is the end-of-file value (EOF), no character is put, but the other effects of calling this function are attempted.

Return Value
    In case of success, the character put is returned, converted to a value of type int_type using member traits_type::to_int_type.
    Otherwise, it returns the end-of-file value (EOF) either if called with this value as argument c or to signal a failure (some implementations may throw an exception instead).

It looks like the gcc-12.1 implementation requires the overflow function whereas previous implementations didn't. I will work on this today.


2022-07-06 09:31

manager   ~0012661

I implemented a dummy sha1streambuf::overflow(int c = EOF) which just prints a message and it is indeed called when compiled with gcc-12.1 but not with gcc-10.1. I will now implement the body of this function according to the C++11 specification and test.


2022-07-06 17:04

manager   ~0012662

Try this:

commit 0aabdbf4a796d7e1d3d53e9ce2db5fda2b8f5003
Author: Henry Weller <>
Date: Wed Jul 6 16:58:44 2022 +0100

    OSHA1stream: Updated to C++11
    According to the C++11 standard the xsputn might call an overload function which
    must be provided for correct operation and is required by gcc-12.1 but not
    earlier releases.
        Its default behavior in streambuf is to retrieve n characters, as if calling
        sputc for each, stopping if any call would return EOF. Except it is
        unspecified whether member overflow is called or whether other means are
        used in case of overflows.
        int overflow (int c = EOF);
            Put character on overflow
            Virtual function called by other member functions to put a character
            into the controlled output sequence without changing the current
            It is called by public member functions such as sputc to write a
            character when there are no writing positions available at the put
            pointer (pptr).
            Its default behavior in streambuf is to always return EOF (indicating
            failure), but derived classes can override this behavior to attempt to
            write the character directly and/or to alter pptr and other internal
            pointers so that more storage is provided, potentially writing unwritten
            characters to the controlled output sequence. Both filebuf and stringbuf
            override this virtual member function.
        Parameters c
            Character to be put.
            If this is the end-of-file value (EOF), no character is put, but the other effects of calling this function are attempted.
        Return Value
            In case of success, the character put is returned, converted to a value
            of type int_type using member traits_type::to_int_type.
            Otherwise, it returns the end-of-file value (EOF) either if called with
            this value as argument c or to signal a failure (some implementations
            may throw an exception instead).
    Resolves bug-report


2022-07-06 22:22

reporter   ~0012663

Works without problems now, blockMesh compiles dynamicCode as expected.
Thanks for the fast response on that issue!


2022-07-06 22:42

manager   ~0012664

Resolved in OpenFOAM-9 by commit b0c15bebd37142f3902901ed5e9a60e33ed456eb
Resolved in OpenFOAM-dev by commit 0aabdbf4a796d7e1d3d53e9ce2db5fda2b8f5003

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2022-07-05 18:47 Tiberias_ New Issue
2022-07-05 22:07 henry Severity block => minor
2022-07-05 22:08 henry Note Added: 0012658
2022-07-06 00:28 Tiberias_ Note Added: 0012659
2022-07-06 07:46 henry Note Added: 0012660
2022-07-06 09:31 henry Note Added: 0012661
2022-07-06 17:04 henry Note Added: 0012662
2022-07-06 22:22 Tiberias_ Note Added: 0012663
2022-07-06 22:42 henry Assigned To => henry
2022-07-06 22:42 henry Status new => resolved
2022-07-06 22:42 henry Resolution open => fixed
2022-07-06 22:42 henry Fixed in Version => 9
2022-07-06 22:42 henry Note Added: 0012664