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IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0002423OpenFOAMFeaturepublic2017-09-20 18:48
Reporterjoegi Assigned Tohenry  
Status resolvedResolutionfixed 
Summary0002423: wallGradU
DescriptionI wonder if there is any particular reason why wallGradU is not in OF4x.
TagsNo tags attached.



2017-01-07 17:37

manager   ~0007605

There is no particular need for it, the more general 'grad' is provided which includes the wall gradient.


2017-01-08 23:49

updater   ~0007608

Attached is the tarball 'contrib_bug2423.tar.gz' what provides two scripts for at least two of a few other missing references to utilities that were replaced, by using the existing reference scripts as a base:

 - bin/stressComponents

   Reproduced with "<solverName> -funcs '(R components(turbulenceProperties:R))'"

 - bin/wallGradU

   Reproduced with "postProcess -func 'grad(U)'"

 - Can be applied to 4.x and dev
 - I used the Copyright year only as it being 2017.

I then checked for OpenFOAM-dev and 'wdot' seemed to be the only other one missing, which is attached in 'contrib_bug2423_dev.tar.gz':

 - bin/wdot

   Reproduced with "postProcess -func XiReactionRate"

Beyond these:

 - 'uprime' and 'pPrime2' are still missing, but I couldn't figure out what they were replaced with exactly and the git history didn't provide detailed comments of what they were replaced with :(

 - 'dsmcFieldsCalc' I didn't even bother, because it didn't seem to be used by any tutorials, at least all the way back to 2.0.x.


2017-01-08 23:49



2017-01-09 14:39

manager   ~0007618

Resolved in OpenFOAM-dev by commit 80d540765a4b29d7e14af30526df3a797d892635

Resolved in OpenFOAM-4.x by commit d5dd04e0a63b88c2361182a6d74b429692202749


2017-01-12 18:37

reporter   ~0007628

I just would like to point out than when using

postProcess -func 'grad(U)' -noZero

It gives the following warning

--> FOAM Warning : functionObjects::grad grad(U) cannot find required object U of type volScalarField
--> FOAM Warning : functionObjects::grad grad(U) cannot find required object U of type surfaceScalarField

I guess is nothing to worry about as grad(U) is computed, but usually openfoam is very quiet so I worry a little bit when this kind of warnings.


2017-01-12 23:49

updater   ~0007630

It only warns until it finds what it was looking for... which can be seen here:

 - 'foundObject':

 - 'calcGrad':

 - How 'calc' calls 'calcGrad':

@joegi: Given the code listed above, what do you suggest should be done?


2017-01-15 19:07

reporter   ~0007637

Just to let you know that the header of grad(U) is also a little bit confusing. I got something like this:

# xx xy xz yx yy yz zx zy zzgrad(U)_0 grad(U)_1 grad(U)_2 grad(U)_3 grad(U)_4 grad(U)_5 grad(U)_6 grad(U)_7 grad(U)_8

I think the header should be something like this

#x y z grad(U)_0 grad(U)_1 grad(U)_2 grad(U)_3 grad(U)_4 grad(U)_5 grad(U)_6 grad(U)_7 grad(U)_8


2017-01-15 22:37

updater   ~0007638

@joegi: Sorry... but what exactly are you referring to? How did you get that output?

I ask this because running <tt>postProcess -func 'grad(U)'</tt> only writes the 'grad(U)' field!


2017-01-16 06:54

reporter   ~0007641

my bad, that is the output of a surface sampling of grad(U).


2017-02-20 20:49

updater   ~0007775

I'm setting this issue back to resolved+fixed as stated in comment ~7618, because I can't figure out to which function object @joegi was referring to in the previous comment.

@joegi: If you find this issue again, please create a new report and provide more details. I've looked for 15-20 minutes for this and could not find what kind of sampling you used.

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2017-01-07 17:18 joegi New Issue
2017-01-07 17:37 henry Note Added: 0007605
2017-01-08 23:49 wyldckat File Added: contrib_bug2423.tar.gz
2017-01-08 23:49 wyldckat Note Added: 0007608
2017-01-08 23:49 wyldckat File Added: contrib_bug2423_dev.tar.gz
2017-01-08 23:49 wyldckat Assigned To => henry
2017-01-08 23:49 wyldckat Status new => assigned
2017-01-09 14:39 henry Status assigned => resolved
2017-01-09 14:39 henry Resolution open => fixed
2017-01-09 14:39 henry Fixed in Version => 4.x
2017-01-09 14:39 henry Note Added: 0007618
2017-01-12 18:37 joegi Status resolved => feedback
2017-01-12 18:37 joegi Resolution fixed => reopened
2017-01-12 18:37 joegi Note Added: 0007628
2017-01-12 23:49 wyldckat Note Added: 0007630
2017-01-15 19:07 joegi Note Added: 0007637
2017-01-15 19:07 joegi Status feedback => assigned
2017-01-15 22:37 wyldckat Note Added: 0007638
2017-01-16 06:54 joegi Note Added: 0007641
2017-02-20 20:49 wyldckat Status assigned => resolved
2017-02-20 20:49 wyldckat Resolution reopened => fixed
2017-02-20 20:49 wyldckat Note Added: 0007775