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ID | Project | Category | View Status | Date Submitted | Last Update |
0001396 | OpenFOAM | Bug | public | 2014-09-09 12:35 | 2016-10-13 15:32 |
Reporter | wyldckat | Assigned To | henry | ||
Priority | normal | Severity | minor | Reproducibility | always |
Status | closed | Resolution | fixed | ||
Summary | 0001396: blockMesh limitations regarding dual/multiple oriented curved edges | ||||
Description | This is somewhat hard to describe, so I'll be resorting to several images and at least one auxiliary simple test case. More specific details/analysis can be provided if necessary. This bug was discovered when trying to create a "de Laval nozzle" using as basis a "blockMeshDict" that defines a straight pipe, namely using: - 1 parallelepiped block for the pipe's inner axis; - 4 trapezoid blocks extending from the previous block, using "arcs" only on the extremities of the pipe, for changing the edges on the ends of the pipe. - (an additional trapezoid layer was used, so that it would be easier to control mesh grading, but I won't detail it to avoid confusion). Using the 4 trapezoid blocks with arcs on the extremities is a somewhat common way to create a pipe when using blockMesh. The less common strategy is what comes next: using splines to shape the pipe along the axis. This is where blockMesh has issues, as shown in the attached images "laval_nozzle_before_after_00.png" and "laval_nozzle_before_after_01.png" - the left side in the images is the mesh generated with the original blockMesh version, and on the right side is done with the proposed modifications, described later in the bug report. There is a workaround for this issue on user side: if we use twice as many blocks, by making the pipe in two parts, the splines can then monotonically shape the pipe from the start to the middle, and then from the middle to the end. This should render a proper nozzle as we intended (or at least a better looking one), due to how blockMesh works. After careful debugging of the code, the diagnosis was that the method "Foam::block::createPoints()" is where this limitation is located. More specifically, the "correction vectors" are only able to take into account corrections from some of the extremities of the bounding box, for the current point being calculated. In other words, the arcs are not properly scaled down for the middle zone of the pipe, because of how the algorithm calculates the "cor" variables; for a more specific analysis, when looking at the centre point of the arc at the smallest nozzle diameter: - "corx" variables relate to the section where it's creating the points, therefore this gives the only how much correction/scaling should occur if there were only splines along the axis and no arcs at the extremities. - "cory" variables have no correction weight, because they only use the measures at the extremities of the current block, which have no deformation. - "corz" variables have partial correction for the arcs, but they only account for the difference between the arcs at the extremities vs those edges without arcs. This leaves out the missing scaling factor, namely how much the arcs on the ends actually should be scaled down to the current point being created. Hopefully the next example in "Steps To Reproduce" makes it easier to describe/demonstrate this. | ||||
Steps To Reproduce | Attached is the example case "", which aims to demonstrate in a more simplified way. It's a single block with 100m in length, with 2 arcs of different radius on each tip of this overly-simplified example pipe: - The upper arc has a radius of sqrt(2*10^2) - The lower arc has a radius of sqrt(2*8^2) - "polyLine"'s are used for reducing the radius for each arc to half, at the middle of the block along the axis. The following attached images give a good view of what this geometry looks like. All 4 images show the mesh generated with the original blockMesh versus the proposed fix, and are all in parallel perspective, to ensure proper visibility scales: - "before_vs_after_01.png" - Shows from one of the ends of this pipe. It looks like 2 trapezoids, due to the simple grading used of "1 by 2", vs 10 along the length (i.e. axis). The two circles show the first and second radius for each arc side. As you can see, it looks pretty good, since all points are well defined at the extremities of the pipe/block. - "before_vs_after_02.png" - It shows our example pipe in a 3D point of view, to give a better sense of what we're looking at. Essentially, this case is using arcs at the extremities of the pipe and using "polyLine" for reducing the middle part of the pipe to half the radius on the extremities. Keep in mind that this second edge definition can be "polyLine", "arc" or "spline", and it will result in the same numerical calculation for the middle section. - "before_vs_after_03.png" - This shows the circles for the end of the pipe, versus the section cut in the middle of the pipe. It does look a bit strange, but it's to give a good perspective/notion of what we're looking at. - "before_vs_after_04.png" - This final image demonstrates the error that is occurring in blockMesh and which is being reported here. The two circles show the expected radius for the middle section of the pipe. The left side of the image shows that the original blockMesh is not correctly scaling down the arcs on the middle section of the pipe. The proposed fix (right side of the image) gives a much better result, albeit not perfect. This essentially demonstrates the final paragraphs on the "Description" section above. | ||||
Additional Information | The attached patch file "src_mesh_blockMesh_block_blockCreate_v1.patch" - also provided as an already modified file "blockCreate.C" (derived from 2.3.x commit 7b27df3002) - provides the proposed fix for this bug. The explanation is somewhat simple: the "correction vectors" need to be further scaled based on the "cross-scaling factors". These (new) factors essentially take into account the scaling that occurs (e.g.) when the arcs at the end of the pipe are shaped from the original block. For the example case "", this means that the scaling from the 10'ish radius down to 5'ish radius, will also be reflected on the points along the "polyLine". These scaling factors are only applied if the "cor*" variables also have non-zero vectors. This proposed fix is a generalized formulation of the initial minimal fix necessary for our tests to work properly. Therefore, this still needs some considerable further testing. I'll try in the coming weeks/weekends to provide a few more unit test cases for confirming if this fix properly works as intended for any block in any orientation with any number of edge deformations. Note: Sorry, I meant by "10'ish" that it's the radius "sqrt(2*10^2)". | ||||
Tags | No tags attached. | ||||
src_mesh_blockMesh_block_blockCreate_v1.patch (2,584 bytes)
diff --git a/src/mesh/blockMesh/block/blockCreate.C b/src/mesh/blockMesh/block/blockCreate.C old mode 100644 new mode 100755 index 038f278..66c0e68 --- a/src/mesh/blockMesh/block/blockCreate.C +++ b/src/mesh/blockMesh/block/blockCreate.C @@ -205,8 +205,41 @@ void Foam::block::createPoints() const vector corz2 = impz2*(p[9][k] - edgez2); vector corz3 = impz3*(p[10][k] - edgez3); vector corz4 = impz4*(p[11][k] - edgez4); + + // calculate the cross-scaling factors + vector scale_p_x42 = p[3][i]-p[1][i]; + vector scale_p_x31 = p[2][i]-p[0][i]; + vector scale_edge_x42 = edgex4-edgex2; + vector scale_edge_x31 = edgex3-edgex1; + + scalar scale_x = + ( + (impx2+impx4)*mag(scale_p_x42)/mag(scale_edge_x42) + + (impx1+impx3)*mag(scale_p_x31)/mag(scale_edge_x31) + ); + vector scale_p_y42 = p[7][j]-p[5][j]; + vector scale_p_y31 = p[6][j]-p[4][j]; + vector scale_edge_y42 = edgey4-edgey2; + vector scale_edge_y31 = edgey3-edgey1; + + scalar scale_y = + ( + (impy2+impy4)*mag(scale_p_y42)/mag(scale_edge_y42) + + (impy1+impy3)*mag(scale_p_y31)/mag(scale_edge_y31) + ); + vector scale_p_z42 = p[11][k]-p[9][k]; + vector scale_p_z31 = p[10][k]-p[8][k]; + vector scale_edge_z42 = edgez4-edgez2; + vector scale_edge_z31 = edgez3-edgez1; + + scalar scale_z = + ( + (impz2+impz4)*mag(scale_p_z42)/mag(scale_edge_z42) + + (impz1+impz3)*mag(scale_p_z31)/mag(scale_edge_z31) + ); + // multiply by the importance factor // x-direction @@ -238,10 +271,11 @@ void Foam::block::createPoints() const vertices_[vertexNo] += ( - corx1 + corx2 + corx3 + corx4 - + cory1 + cory2 + cory3 + cory4 - + corz1 + corz2 + corz3 + corz4 + scale_z*scale_y*(corx1 + corx2 + corx3 + corx4) + + scale_z*scale_x*(cory1 + cory2 + cory3 + cory4) + + scale_x*scale_y*(corz1 + corz2 + corz3 + corz4) ); + } } } |
blockCreate.C (15,702 bytes)
/*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*\ ========= | \\ / F ield | OpenFOAM: The Open Source CFD Toolbox \\ / O peration | \\ / A nd | Copyright (C) 2011 OpenFOAM Foundation \\/ M anipulation | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- License This file is part of OpenFOAM. OpenFOAM is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. OpenFOAM is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with OpenFOAM. If not, see <>. \*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ #include "error.H" #include "block.H" // * * * * * * * * * * * * * Private Member Functions * * * * * * * * * * * // Foam::label Foam::block::vtxLabel(label i, label j, label k) const { return ( i + j * (meshDensity().x() + 1) + k * (meshDensity().x() + 1) * (meshDensity().y() + 1) ); } void Foam::block::createPoints() const { // set local variables for mesh specification const label ni = meshDensity().x(); const label nj = meshDensity().y(); const label nk = meshDensity().z(); const point& p000 = blockPoint(0); const point& p100 = blockPoint(1); const point& p110 = blockPoint(2); const point& p010 = blockPoint(3); const point& p001 = blockPoint(4); const point& p101 = blockPoint(5); const point& p111 = blockPoint(6); const point& p011 = blockPoint(7); // list of edge point and weighting factors const List< List<point> >& p = blockEdgePoints(); const scalarListList& w = blockEdgeWeights(); // // generate vertices // vertices_.clear(); vertices_.setSize(nPoints()); for (label k = 0; k <= nk; k++) { for (label j = 0; j <= nj; j++) { for (label i = 0; i <= ni; i++) { const label vertexNo = vtxLabel(i, j, k); // points on edges vector edgex1 = p000 + (p100 - p000)*w[0][i]; vector edgex2 = p010 + (p110 - p010)*w[1][i]; vector edgex3 = p011 + (p111 - p011)*w[2][i]; vector edgex4 = p001 + (p101 - p001)*w[3][i]; vector edgey1 = p000 + (p010 - p000)*w[4][j]; vector edgey2 = p100 + (p110 - p100)*w[5][j]; vector edgey3 = p101 + (p111 - p101)*w[6][j]; vector edgey4 = p001 + (p011 - p001)*w[7][j]; vector edgez1 = p000 + (p001 - p000)*w[8][k]; vector edgez2 = p100 + (p101 - p100)*w[9][k]; vector edgez3 = p110 + (p111 - p110)*w[10][k]; vector edgez4 = p010 + (p011 - p010)*w[11][k]; // calculate the importance factors for all edges // x-direction scalar impx1 = ( (1.0 - w[0][i])*(1.0 - w[4][j])*(1.0 - w[8][k]) + w[0][i]*(1.0 - w[5][j])*(1.0 - w[9][k]) ); scalar impx2 = ( (1.0 - w[1][i])*w[4][j]*(1.0 - w[11][k]) + w[1][i]*w[5][j]*(1.0 - w[10][k]) ); scalar impx3 = ( (1.0 - w[2][i])*w[7][j]*w[11][k] + w[2][i]*w[6][j]*w[10][k] ); scalar impx4 = ( (1.0 - w[3][i])*(1.0 - w[7][j])*w[8][k] + w[3][i]*(1.0 - w[6][j])*w[9][k] ); scalar magImpx = impx1 + impx2 + impx3 + impx4; impx1 /= magImpx; impx2 /= magImpx; impx3 /= magImpx; impx4 /= magImpx; // y-direction scalar impy1 = ( (1.0 - w[4][j])*(1.0 - w[0][i])*(1.0 - w[8][k]) + w[4][j]*(1.0 - w[1][i])*(1.0 - w[11][k]) ); scalar impy2 = ( (1.0 - w[5][j])*w[0][i]*(1.0 - w[9][k]) + w[5][j]*w[1][i]*(1.0 - w[10][k]) ); scalar impy3 = ( (1.0 - w[6][j])*w[3][i]*w[9][k] + w[6][j]*w[2][i]*w[10][k] ); scalar impy4 = ( (1.0 - w[7][j])*(1.0 - w[3][i])*w[8][k] + w[7][j]*(1.0 - w[2][i])*w[11][k] ); scalar magImpy = impy1 + impy2 + impy3 + impy4; impy1 /= magImpy; impy2 /= magImpy; impy3 /= magImpy; impy4 /= magImpy; // z-direction scalar impz1 = ( (1.0 - w[8][k])*(1.0 - w[0][i])*(1.0 - w[4][j]) + w[8][k]*(1.0 - w[3][i])*(1.0 - w[7][j]) ); scalar impz2 = ( (1.0 - w[9][k])*w[0][i]*(1.0 - w[5][j]) + w[9][k]*w[3][i]*(1.0 - w[6][j]) ); scalar impz3 = ( (1.0 - w[10][k])*w[1][i]*w[5][j] + w[10][k]*w[2][i]*w[6][j] ); scalar impz4 = ( (1.0 - w[11][k])*(1.0 - w[1][i])*w[4][j] + w[11][k]*(1.0 - w[2][i])*w[7][j] ); scalar magImpz = impz1 + impz2 + impz3 + impz4; impz1 /= magImpz; impz2 /= magImpz; impz3 /= magImpz; impz4 /= magImpz; // calculate the correction vectors vector corx1 = impx1*(p[0][i] - edgex1); vector corx2 = impx2*(p[1][i] - edgex2); vector corx3 = impx3*(p[2][i] - edgex3); vector corx4 = impx4*(p[3][i] - edgex4); vector cory1 = impy1*(p[4][j] - edgey1); vector cory2 = impy2*(p[5][j] - edgey2); vector cory3 = impy3*(p[6][j] - edgey3); vector cory4 = impy4*(p[7][j] - edgey4); vector corz1 = impz1*(p[8][k] - edgez1); vector corz2 = impz2*(p[9][k] - edgez2); vector corz3 = impz3*(p[10][k] - edgez3); vector corz4 = impz4*(p[11][k] - edgez4); // calculate the cross-scaling factors vector scale_p_x42 = p[3][i]-p[1][i]; vector scale_p_x31 = p[2][i]-p[0][i]; vector scale_edge_x42 = edgex4-edgex2; vector scale_edge_x31 = edgex3-edgex1; scalar scale_x = ( (impx2+impx4)*mag(scale_p_x42)/mag(scale_edge_x42) + (impx1+impx3)*mag(scale_p_x31)/mag(scale_edge_x31) ); vector scale_p_y42 = p[7][j]-p[5][j]; vector scale_p_y31 = p[6][j]-p[4][j]; vector scale_edge_y42 = edgey4-edgey2; vector scale_edge_y31 = edgey3-edgey1; scalar scale_y = ( (impy2+impy4)*mag(scale_p_y42)/mag(scale_edge_y42) + (impy1+impy3)*mag(scale_p_y31)/mag(scale_edge_y31) ); vector scale_p_z42 = p[11][k]-p[9][k]; vector scale_p_z31 = p[10][k]-p[8][k]; vector scale_edge_z42 = edgez4-edgez2; vector scale_edge_z31 = edgez3-edgez1; scalar scale_z = ( (impz2+impz4)*mag(scale_p_z42)/mag(scale_edge_z42) + (impz1+impz3)*mag(scale_p_z31)/mag(scale_edge_z31) ); // multiply by the importance factor // x-direction edgex1 *= impx1; edgex2 *= impx2; edgex3 *= impx3; edgex4 *= impx4; // y-direction edgey1 *= impy1; edgey2 *= impy2; edgey3 *= impy3; edgey4 *= impy4; // z-direction edgez1 *= impz1; edgez2 *= impz2; edgez3 *= impz3; edgez4 *= impz4; // add the contributions vertices_[vertexNo] = ( edgex1 + edgex2 + edgex3 + edgex4 + edgey1 + edgey2 + edgey3 + edgey4 + edgez1 + edgez2 + edgez3 + edgez4 ) / 3.0; vertices_[vertexNo] += ( scale_z*scale_y*(corx1 + corx2 + corx3 + corx4) + scale_z*scale_x*(cory1 + cory2 + cory3 + cory4) + scale_x*scale_y*(corz1 + corz2 + corz3 + corz4) ); } } } } void Foam::block::createCells() const { const label ni = meshDensity().x(); const label nj = meshDensity().y(); const label nk = meshDensity().z(); // // generate cells // cells_.clear(); cells_.setSize(nCells()); label cellNo = 0; for (label k = 0; k < nk; k++) { for (label j = 0; j < nj; j++) { for (label i = 0; i < ni; i++) { cells_[cellNo].setSize(8); cells_[cellNo][0] = vtxLabel(i, j, k); cells_[cellNo][1] = vtxLabel(i+1, j, k); cells_[cellNo][2] = vtxLabel(i+1, j+1, k); cells_[cellNo][3] = vtxLabel(i, j+1, k); cells_[cellNo][4] = vtxLabel(i, j, k+1); cells_[cellNo][5] = vtxLabel(i+1, j, k+1); cells_[cellNo][6] = vtxLabel(i+1, j+1, k+1); cells_[cellNo][7] = vtxLabel(i, j+1, k+1); cellNo++; } } } } void Foam::block::createBoundary() const { const label ni = meshDensity().x(); const label nj = meshDensity().y(); const label nk = meshDensity().z(); // // generate boundaries on each side of the hex // boundaryPatches_.clear(); boundaryPatches_.setSize(6); // x-direction label wallLabel = 0; label wallCellLabel = 0; // x-min boundaryPatches_[wallLabel].setSize(nj*nk); for (label k = 0; k < nk; k++) { for (label j = 0; j < nj; j++) { boundaryPatches_[wallLabel][wallCellLabel].setSize(4); // set the points boundaryPatches_[wallLabel][wallCellLabel][0] = vtxLabel(0, j, k); boundaryPatches_[wallLabel][wallCellLabel][1] = vtxLabel(0, j, k + 1); boundaryPatches_[wallLabel][wallCellLabel][2] = vtxLabel(0, j + 1, k + 1); boundaryPatches_[wallLabel][wallCellLabel][3] = vtxLabel(0, j + 1, k); // update the counter wallCellLabel++; } } // x-max wallLabel++; wallCellLabel = 0; boundaryPatches_[wallLabel].setSize(nj*nk); for (label k = 0; k < nk; k++) { for (label j = 0; j < nj; j++) { boundaryPatches_[wallLabel][wallCellLabel].setSize(4); // set the points boundaryPatches_[wallLabel][wallCellLabel][0] = vtxLabel(ni, j, k); boundaryPatches_[wallLabel][wallCellLabel][1] = vtxLabel(ni, j+1, k); boundaryPatches_[wallLabel][wallCellLabel][2] = vtxLabel(ni, j+1, k+1); boundaryPatches_[wallLabel][wallCellLabel][3] = vtxLabel(ni, j, k+1); // update the counter wallCellLabel++; } } // y-direction // y-min wallLabel++; wallCellLabel = 0; boundaryPatches_[wallLabel].setSize(ni*nk); for (label i = 0; i < ni; i++) { for (label k = 0; k < nk; k++) { boundaryPatches_[wallLabel][wallCellLabel].setSize(4); // set the points boundaryPatches_[wallLabel][wallCellLabel][0] = vtxLabel(i, 0, k); boundaryPatches_[wallLabel][wallCellLabel][1] = vtxLabel(i + 1, 0, k); boundaryPatches_[wallLabel][wallCellLabel][2] = vtxLabel(i + 1, 0, k + 1); boundaryPatches_[wallLabel][wallCellLabel][3] = vtxLabel(i, 0, k + 1); // update the counter wallCellLabel++; } } // y-max wallLabel++; wallCellLabel = 0; boundaryPatches_[wallLabel].setSize(ni*nk); for (label i = 0; i < ni; i++) { for (label k = 0; k < nk; k++) { boundaryPatches_[wallLabel][wallCellLabel].setSize(4); // set the points boundaryPatches_[wallLabel][wallCellLabel][0] = vtxLabel(i, nj, k); boundaryPatches_[wallLabel][wallCellLabel][1] = vtxLabel(i, nj, k + 1); boundaryPatches_[wallLabel][wallCellLabel][2] = vtxLabel(i + 1, nj, k + 1); boundaryPatches_[wallLabel][wallCellLabel][3] = vtxLabel(i + 1, nj, k); // update the counter wallCellLabel++; } } // z-direction // z-min wallLabel++; wallCellLabel = 0; boundaryPatches_[wallLabel].setSize(ni*nj); for (label i = 0; i < ni; i++) { for (label j = 0; j < nj; j++) { boundaryPatches_[wallLabel][wallCellLabel].setSize(4); // set the points boundaryPatches_[wallLabel][wallCellLabel][0] = vtxLabel(i, j, 0); boundaryPatches_[wallLabel][wallCellLabel][1] = vtxLabel(i, j + 1, 0); boundaryPatches_[wallLabel][wallCellLabel][2] = vtxLabel(i + 1, j + 1, 0); boundaryPatches_[wallLabel][wallCellLabel][3] = vtxLabel(i + 1, j, 0); // update the counter wallCellLabel++; } } // z-max wallLabel++; wallCellLabel = 0; boundaryPatches_[wallLabel].setSize(ni*nj); for (label i = 0; i < ni; i++) { for (label j = 0; j < nj; j++) { boundaryPatches_[wallLabel][wallCellLabel].setSize(4); // set the points boundaryPatches_[wallLabel][wallCellLabel][0] = vtxLabel(i, j, nk); boundaryPatches_[wallLabel][wallCellLabel][1] = vtxLabel(i + 1, j, nk); boundaryPatches_[wallLabel][wallCellLabel][2] = vtxLabel(i + 1, j + 1, nk); boundaryPatches_[wallLabel][wallCellLabel][3] = vtxLabel(i, j + 1, nk); // update the counter wallCellLabel++; } } } void Foam::block::clearGeom() { vertices_.clear(); cells_.clear(); boundaryPatches_.clear(); } // ************************************************************************* // |
Small update on this report: I haven't yet managed to provide better test cases. Nonetheless, I do have one "simple yet complex enough" example that isn't finished, but already proves that the proposed fix "src_mesh_blockMesh_block_blockCreate_v1.patch" does not solve the problem. So far it seems to indicate that a new type of block will be needed, which supports handling moving/transforming reference planes for each intermediate meshing plane and is therefore computationally too intensive for the currently supported blocks. |
Have you tested tried on this kind of case? Projection onto an STL might be a better approach than attempting to get the current algorithm to handle more and more complex cases. |
I'm planning on getting back to you after testing with extBlockMesh. But if my guess is right, the final mesh done auto-magically with extBlockMesh might not be accurate enough as blockMesh in defining the vertexes where we need them. Although either way, "the optimum is enemy of good", namely that blockMesh could both be and not be the best mesher for adding more complex-parametric meshing capabilities... |
My understanding is that extBlockMesh projects the vertices onto the STL surface provided so the final surface representation is as accurate as that STL. Basically blockMesh is sound though not as easy to use or efficient as it might be. I am planning to re-write the matching algorithm which is the currently the main bottle-neck for large meshes. With a bit of effort blockMesh could be made a lot better; special treatment for 2D case for example and better handling of curves and surfaces. I think extBlockMesh is a good effort is this respect. Clearly blockMesh or extBlockMesh are not complete replacements for commercial closed-source block meshers but they do well for a range of problems while we wait for a serious open-source competitor for the commercial meshers. Is Cubit still going to be made open-source? |
Just a note since I have spend some time with blockMesh, extBlockMesh and CUBIT. While blockMesh works very well for simple meshes, I can just recommend extBlockMesh. For example, meshing a sphere with blockMesh is not really possible, but becomes trivial with extBlockMesh. About CUBIT, I would love to see it open-sourced, but haven’t come across any open-source version (yet). On the contrary, csimsoft is offering a commercial version named Trelis: |
Regarding CUBIT being open-source or not, there is a thread on the CFD-Online forums where people have been waiting for news on this topic: - but so far, no news on it becoming open-source or not. |
Meshing a sphere with blockMesh is a little inaccurate but the error is small and it is quite easy to project the mesh to a surface to correct it. However, this is all wrapped-up in extBlockMesh which makes it easier. For an example of a more complex mesh-morphing see tutorials/mesh/moveDynamicMesh/SnakeRiverCanyon I guess CUBIT isn't going open-source which is disappointing. |
Amazing! I didn't know the moveDynamicMesh utility. |
I come with some news regarding extBlockMesh: - either I was considerably clumsy at configuring the dictionary "system/smootherDict"... which is very likely, since 1 hour might not be enough to get the hang of it; - or it's still too new in its development in order to contemplate situations like the ones presented in this bug report. Either way, if blockMesh is scheduled to be updated/revamped, I guess it's not worth it to try to add any sort of major features such as "multidimensional parametric block shaping" before that. As for the original issue, I'll see if other workarounds are possible with the current blockMesh implementation and possibly with some assistance from dynamic meshing to tweak the mesh into the desired place... which is likely the best option, if parametric behaviour is what we're aiming for. Therefore, if you prefer, feel free to close this bug report. |
I don't think edge-based curve handing is sufficient for your case and some kind of projection/morphing to a surface will be required. My understanding is this is what extBlockMesh offers but I have not yet tried it myself. The parts of blockMesh due for an update relate to performance issues although I would like to see projection/morphing added at some point but not likely to work on this myself. |
See OpenFOAM-dev commit f5be4b05a541c98fc6c98887f68a22a6d58be0ba blockMesh: New experimental support for projecting block face point to geometric surfaces |
Date Modified | Username | Field | Change |
2014-09-09 12:35 | wyldckat | New Issue | |
2014-09-09 12:35 | wyldckat | File Added: laval_nozzle_before_after_00.png | |
2014-09-09 12:36 | wyldckat | File Added: laval_nozzle_before_after_01.png | |
2014-09-09 12:37 | wyldckat | File Added: src_mesh_blockMesh_block_blockCreate_v1.patch | |
2014-09-09 12:37 | wyldckat | File Added: blockCreate.C | |
2014-09-09 12:37 | wyldckat | File Added: | |
2014-09-09 12:37 | wyldckat | File Added: before_vs_after_01.png | |
2014-09-09 12:37 | wyldckat | File Added: before_vs_after_02.png | |
2014-09-09 12:38 | wyldckat | File Added: before_vs_after_03.png | |
2014-09-09 12:38 | wyldckat | File Added: before_vs_after_04.png | |
2014-12-20 16:34 | wyldckat | Note Added: 0003345 | |
2014-12-20 18:34 | henry | Note Added: 0003347 | |
2015-01-29 15:43 | wyldckat | Note Added: 0003621 | |
2015-01-29 15:52 | henry | Note Added: 0003623 | |
2015-01-30 11:16 | dkxls | Note Added: 0003624 | |
2015-01-30 11:47 | wyldckat | Note Added: 0003625 | |
2015-01-30 15:57 | henry | Note Added: 0003626 | |
2015-01-30 16:19 | dkxls | Note Added: 0003627 | |
2015-01-31 21:14 | wyldckat | Note Added: 0003637 | |
2015-01-31 21:21 | henry | Note Added: 0003638 | |
2015-02-01 10:44 | henry | Status | new => closed |
2015-02-01 10:44 | henry | Assigned To | => henry |
2015-02-01 10:44 | henry | Resolution | open => fixed |
2016-10-13 15:32 | henry | Note Added: 0007007 |